"No way!" Noelle grinned, waving the documents at Charles but not actually handing them over. She flipped through them with a flourish. "Mr. Parker gave these to me. He said to give them a look when I can. The West City project is kicking off, and he's letting me shadow him. It's an awesome chance, and I'm not about to mess it up!"

"You won't mess up," Charles said with an easy laugh, glancing at the papers in Noelle's grasp. He was pleasantly surprised by Brian's generosity. "Brian's got skills. Stick with him, and you'll pick up a lot in no time!"

"I know, right?" Noelle chuckled, snapping the file shut. She had just woken up from a power nap and felt rejuvenated, though she knew better than to rush her work. "I've hijacked your study. I hope I'm not taking up your space."

"Not at all!" Charles said, his laugh light as he playfully tousled Noelle's hair. "Done with the paperwork?"

Noelle nodded, massaging her stiff neck. "Done for now."

Charles was not having it, though. He gently pulled her into a seat, leaving Noelle puzzled. Then, he circled behind her and began kneading her shoulders. Noelle was touched by the unexpected pampering and tried to protest, "Really, I'm fine..."

for Noelle to get comfy. His touch was perfect-not too light, not too firm-and Noelle felt her tension melt away. Charles caught the change in her, and a smile played at the corners of

eyes fluttered open, and

head back to look at Charles, mulling over his question. "Brian's really something, you know? He's got an eye for detail and is very meticulous. Like with that Verdant Hills project three years back. That place was a mess of problems, but it was his first gig after coming back to Brookville. There was this big fuss about the dam because focals were

by the

that are off-limits, and the land's got its own set of issues. We'll

which had been resting on Noelle's shoulder, paused briefly, but his

hunch that West

to see a huge mall pop up, and that'll definitely spread the crowds out a bit. But there's a catch-there's a mental hospital and a rehab center over there, and you can't just uproot those places. Plus, I've seen the factories around there, and the pollution's no joke. That's why the place has been a ghost town for years. If we're

hey, nothing's impossible, right? Stuff

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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