Noelle was nestled in the backseat of the car, her heart still racing from the night's chaos. She had scooted her seat back to match Charles', while Sean had taken on the role of chauffeur. Sean caught Noelle's silence, shot a look at Charles, and raised an eyebrow.

"Noelle, why so quiet?"

She let out a sigh, her thoughts snapping back into the car. "I just don't know what to say."

"Tired?" Charles reached over and took Noelle's hand in his, gently squeezing it. "Your hand feels like ice," he said, his brow creasing with worry. Sean, can we turn up the heat in here?"

He turned back to Noelle, his voice tinged with concern. "Didn't you think to bring a jacket before heading out? It's not the dead of winter, but the nights are still chilly."

Noelle laughed softly, feeling the warmth from Charles's grip. "I'm tougher than I look," she assured him, but her smile faded as the night's events replayed in her mind. "You know Winter's friend, Suzy? Today, she was..." The words got stuck in her throat as Suzy's face invaded her thoughts, unbidden and haunting.

Charles's hold on her hand grew firmer. "Don't be scared. Whatever happened, it isn't your fault."

flicker of surprise in her eyes. "I know. But how did you...?

downstairs, keeping tabs on your every movement!" Sean glanced in the rearview mirror at their intertwined fingers and raised an eyebrow. "We would've come up sooner if we didn't have to keep our cover." "You had people with her

I had a few people keep an eye on

care was like a constant embrace. No wonder she felt like some of the

she playfully scratched Charles's hand before snuggling closer,. resting

"Thanks, Charles!"

thanks!" Charles gently patted her head,

Noelle hummed contentedly.

with the PDA? Some of us are single

giggle. "Look at

"I've gotta

thing you know how to keep

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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