After a while, the door finally opened. Suzy peeked out, giving Cody a once-over before fully opening the door. She looked up at him with a timid expression and croaked, "Cody." Her voice was hoarse, and she appeared utterly exhausted. Cody shot Suzy a quick nod, a shadow of a smirk flickering in his eyes. "Don't worry. The coast is clear, and my car's parked out back. We'll slip away, and no one will be the wiser."

Suzy's tension melted away. "Thanks, Cody!"

"Don't mention it," Cody said, shrugging off his jacket and handing it to Annie. "Wrap up in this, Ms. Atherton. Let's leave now. I've thrown them off our trail for now, but who knows when they'll catch on?" "Okay, Suzy. Put on my bro's jacket, and we'll leave!"

The trio made their escape through the hotel's back door. Suzy was still on edge in the car, her eyes glued to the rear window, half-expecting to see someone following them.

Seeing Suzy's panic, Annie felt a pang of guilt and squeezed her shoulder. "Hey, Suzy, do you want my bro to drop you off at your place?"

"No way. I can't go back, Annie. Can I stay with you? My parents will definitely flip out on me!" Suzy's voice was thick with dread, the mere thought of her parents' interrogation terrifying her.

"Ms. Atherton's not up for going home, then... let's head to my place." Cody's villa was his seldom-used sanctuary on the outskirts of town, a place he would retreat to when he needed a break. It was quiet, visited only by a

to be a way to fix things. My brother and I will take you to the villa to chilt for a few days,

Annie." Suzy wrapped Annie in a tight hug, the sibling pair's kindness warming her. "Annie, if you ever need anything, just

and Annie had to head out to deal with other stuff. The car ride was quiet until Cody broke the silence.

Noelle safe that I totally forgot about Simon" Yes, Simon. "I

gaze turned steely as

Annie's hand a reassuring pat. "Even if you had your eyes glued on Suzy, some things were just

clear of people

She's bad news.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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