The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 18 Evangeline

The lake is packed with people when we arrive. Apparently, everyone had the same idea we did.

From what I understand, this land used to sit idle throughout the year until it was time for that year’s claiming. Since the claiming ended years ago, no one has been here, and during that time, mother nature has staked her claim on this lake. The edges of the lake are lush with plants and flowers and the water is pristine, clear. The waterfall finishes off the image of a tropical getaway hidden deep within a forest, and that’s basically what this place is.

Makayla goes racing into the water and I turn to Alejandro. “Are you on watch duty since dad’s not here?” I ask him.

“How’d you guess?” He asks me, rolling his eyes.

“Who knows, maybe a cute brunette will come to the lake today.” I say, teasing him about the time he’s been spending with Teagan.

I should have known better. “Yeah, and maybe her brother will show up too.” He says, teasing me right back.

“You know Alpha Jaxon is already 18.” He says to me.

“I do.” I say, not looking at him and pulling towels out of our bag.

“And you’re nearly 18.” He says, watching me closely.

your point,

point, other than the

stop and look

stops, standing to his full height and looking at me. “Evie, I already feel a pull to Teagan and I’m not even 17 yet. She’s a year older than I am and she says she feels it too. If we feel it and we’re both younger than you and Jax…” He lets the rest of

interfere with this contest. I came here intending to win, and I

been swimming for a while when the man in question comes walking up to the lake with his family. From the shadow of the overhang where I’m currently sitting on a rock ledge, I have a birds-eye view of his

immune, but when it comes to Jaxon, I’m nothing

lake. I watch as his eyes narrow and he begins searching the area surrounding the lake and finally, searching the lake until his eyes

I guess she was trying to get his attention and

as he hands over the bag, he’s moving, heading straight for me. The

people before diving under water. I try to follow his progress, but I’m too low in the water to see him. I’ve just

“Oh!” I exclaim.

“Hello, Eve.”

dripping down his face, his long eyelashes

I feel my heart begin to race. Damn this man is sexy. Is this the mate bond, pulling me

and I feel his fingers, graze my hips under the water. I shiver at the contact,

stomach. I gently slide my fingers up the squared ridges of his stomach, feeling him quiver at my touch. Oh yeah, I

He says and I can tell by the way he says it that they were

share?” I ask, feeling his hand follow the path

think that’s a good idea.” He says, his eyes

game. I take a finger and slide it between his pectoral muscles just until my finger gets to the surface and then

his finger slides between my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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