The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 21 Jaxon

Dancing with Evangeline is the highlight of my night. She fits against me perfectly. When Dad and Jordan left to start calling the fight gurus, I knew this was my chance. I only have one more night before I’ll go back to my pack and Evangeline will go back to hers. I know I want to date her for the next few months, but seeing her one day or evening a week won’t be enough.

‘Jordan, would you be okay with me inviting Alpha Luke and Luna Katerina’s family to spend some time at our pack, training with us.’ ‘Training? Is that what we’re calling it these days?” she asks as I moved toward Evangeline in the crowded room.

‘There will be some training.’

‘Sure, Jax. Invite your mate and her family to visit our pack.’

‘Jordan, she doesn’t know she’s my mate, she’s not 18 yet.’

‘Trust me, Jax, she knows.’

Her response makes me pause. ‘You and I need to have a conversation in the very near future, Jordan.’

Her sigh lets me know that I’m right.

‘Thanks, sis,’ I say, thanking her for letting me invite my mate and her family to our pack. As the Alpha, or soon to be Alpha, it’s her decision.

‘Because I’ve ever said no to you?’

‘Because you’re the best and you’re going to be an incredible Alpha.’

‘Got news for you, I already am.’

That makes me smile as I walk up to Eve. ‘Yeah, you are.’

Now, as I dance around with my mate in my arms, I know I need to see her again soon.

you think your father and your family would say to coming to our

depend on the schedule he gets for the

is the term dad and

the room. “I’m guessing that our weeks won’t be filled for the

you to come train. And, vice versa, your father and brother could be nice and invite me and my sisters to come train,” I finish

Al. He’s more likely to allow it than dad who already

went straight

think we can make

get my

want it, Alpha?” she asks in a flirty tone that has

the satisfaction of watching eyes

play at this game. We’re pressed so close together that I can feel her nipples

exactly, that you’re offering Evangeline?” I ask her, my voice low

about a date?” She says and the flirty tone has been replaced by false bravado. She’s trying

we’re talking about a date, I want one as soon as you’re willing to go out with me. Tomorrow night sounds good to me. And in case my body’s response to you wasn’t obvious enough, I want everything with

part in her ear as the song comes to an end. I have the satisfaction

father will never allow me to dominate her

hand, k*issing her knuckles,

I k*iss one of her knuckles, running my tongue over her skin as I watch her. Her eyes go nearly black as I

over. “Come on, Evie.” Makayla say, pulling Eve onto the

at me

head at her as she turns to

ask anyone else to dance tonight, big brother?”



is. I can feel

to do for the next three months? Surely, you’re not planning to wait that long

her family can come and stay, I can show her our pack lands and hopefully Alpha Alejandro and Alpha Luke will allow us to visit

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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