The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 46 (Evangeline)

Jaxon and I spent the evening laughing and dancing together, celebrating his sister becoming the pack’s Alpha. It felt a lot like we were already a mated couple. No one else asked me to dance, not that Jaxon gave them the chance, but there were no jealous she- wolves hovering around us either, clamoring for a chance to dance with Jaxon. It was a great night and now, I’m heading to my room to shower and change before I sneak up to Jaxon’s room for the night.

When I get out of the shower, Maggie is just walking in.

“Hey Maggie, did you have a good time tonight.”

“Hey, Evie, yeah I did,” she says distractedly, going to her bed.

“You okay?” I ask her.

“Yeah, I’m good. You headed to Jaxon’s room?”

My sister and I have been best friends our entire lives. We know everything about each other and right now, I know something is bothering my sister.

I finish getting dressed in my pajama shorts and top and I sit on my bed. “Spill,” I say.

“Is it that obvious?”

“Well, I mean, you’re not like Makayla and bouncy all the damn time, but you’ re usually more upbeat than this, especially when we’ve just come from such a fun night.”

She begins chewing on the inside of her m*outh. A sure sign that something is bothering her.

“I found him, Evie.”

I wait, thinking there’s more. She doesn’t say any more, she just looks at me.

“Found who?”

“Him. My mate.”

I jump up, pulling her into a hug. “Maggie, that’s wonderful!” I say, before stopping and pulling back.

“Wait, why aren’t you more excited?”

“Dad, obviously.”

“Oh shit.”

“Yeah, oh shit. If he’s struggling this much with you, imagine how he’s going to act with me. I’m six months younger than you are.”

“How old is your mate? WHO is your mate?” I ask, watching as a smile spreads across her face.

“Jaxon’s cousin, Caleb. And we’re the same age.”

He just took over

I understand the family tree. I need to know, not only because

go spend time in her mate’s pack and let him come to visit theirs. I guess they are splitting the time going to where the trainers are best since


me, or he didn’t have a chance since dad rushed us out of there so fast on the last day. But Evie, now I want to spend time with him, I want to get to know him. I could do what you’re doing with Jaxon. We could split

I know that, unlike you and Jaxon, I won’t be 18 before the next competition, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other reasons for us to spend time together that still include

her. “I’ll support you in any way you want, Maggie. If you want to

with Jaxon and his

eyebrow at me. “You’ve really thought this through, haven’t

no intention of letting dad

mom and dad try to keep you

across her face. “He’s

did a lot of ‘talking’ that first night,” I say using

giggling together when there’s a quiet knock on

the door and Caleb’s eyes go

in, Caleb. I’m Evangeline. I’m mated

Evangeline. I

“Good things, I hope.”

Jaxon’ s heart,” he says, turning to Maggie. “I guess it runs in the

the morning. Keep your ears

“Thanks, Evie.”

Jax, I said hi.” Caleb says. “Will

sneak upstairs, and I’ve just lifted my fist to knock when the door swings open and Jaxon pulls me into his room and into his arms, closing the door behind

long?” he asks me. “I was getting good

“Care to share?”

is mated to your cousin,” I tell

He frowns. “Griffin?”

just arriving as

your father going to take

but Maggie and I will have to talk more this weekend. You and I

have you, I don’t care how many more there are. We’ll figure

the last I think of Maggie, Caleb or my parents for the rest of the

Jace POV

room. Taylor rushes to me, wrapping her arm around my

“Jace, what happened?”

Taylor. Well, I guess I never really figured out how to tell her that Jordan was my mate. I guess I figured Jordan

Better to

rejected you as

at Taylor. “As her

like I slapped her across

“Jordan is your mate?”


knew? All

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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