The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 51 (Evangeline)

A week before the second contest, my parents have a party for my birthday. I’ m so excited. I know that Jaxon is my mate, but now, I’ll finally, finally be able to tell my father, without a doubt that he is truly my mate.

This week, my father had Ezekiel and once again, we thought it would be an easy week, but Ezekiel raised the bar again. So, while I’ve been excited about my birthday, I knew that this week would be a tough one. Add to that, Jaxon decided that this week, of all weeks, he wanted to make a big entrance for my birthday.

I know that Jaxon hasn’t had a chance to get me something for my birthday. I’ ve heard him on the phone, secretly talking to people. If I had to guess, I’d say he and Jordan are coming up with some sort of birthday present for me, but so far, I have no clue what he’s getting me.

Last night, for the first time in nearly three months, I slept alone. Jaxon left to go get my birthday present, telling me that he’d be back for the party tonight. I had texted him in the middle of the night, not terribly surprised that he wasn’t asleep.

Me: Are you awake?

Jax: I am, why are you awake?

Me: Can’t sleep. I miss my mate.

Jax: Your mate is stupid. He didn’t think this through.

Me: My mate is not stupid. He’s amazing and I won’t have you disparaging him.

Jax: Really? Well, the man was dumb enough to leave you alone the night before your birthday.

Me: I’m sure he has a good reason.

Jax: I bet tomorrow night at this time, you’ll be wearing his mark.

Me: And he’ll be wearing mine.

Jax: Think of that, my beautiful

and get some sleep, because tomorrow night, I plan to keep you up all night


It should give you sweet dreams. I


in a couple of hours



finally fall asleep early in the morning and now, I’m trying to get

“Evangeline, you’ re better than

apologize, Ezekiel. It’s my birthday and my mate isn’t here. He’ll be here

Alpha. Push through. If you expect to become an Alpha to a pack, you’ll need to be able

“Yes, Ezekiel.”

down my opponents. I see Ezekiel nodding at me several times and I feel good that I am finally able to focus. He’s right, if I’m going to be an Alpha, I have to

to go back and forth to train and even he has to see that Maggie is stronger than she was before. Caleb’s influence has been good for Maggie, just as Jaxon’s has been good for me. As I finish getting ready, my mother knocks on my door. She hugs Maggie and shuts

her h*ands out to me. “My beautiful girl, my first born. I can’t believe

a very rare thing to see my mother cry. She is the rock of this family.

say, walking to her

live here. We’ve talked about it a lot and gone back and forth, until finally we decided to split our time between our packs. It has worked during the training for this next contest and until

here and part time in Alpha Jordan’s pack until

both strong, powerful Alphas and deserve

“Thanks Mom.”

be getting downstairs

That makes me smile.

turn back to my bedroom, this room that has been mine for as long as I can

the top of the

party and there he is, looking up at me, a bouquet of flowers in his h*and, looking

as the rest of the room

as he walks to the bottom of the stairs. I make my way

get to the bottom, he takes my

“Happy birthday, my love.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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