The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 53 (Evangeline)

Wow. That’s all I can say about making love to my mate. Wow! Super Hotty is super fantastic in bed.

When he f*lips our p*ositions, he slides out of me. “Be right back,” he says before going to the bathroom to dispose of the c*ondom.

He comes back, climbing over top of me. He looks down at me and I take a moment to enjoy the look of my mark on my mate’s neck.

“My mark looks damn good on you, Alpha,” I tell him.

“Your neck is looking entirely too bare, Evangeline.” He s*lides i*nside me, pulling my l*eg up, so he can move d*eeper.

“You feel so good Eve,” he says, leaning down to k*iss me.

He keeps a steady pace, moving in and out while he k*isses me. I’m overwhelmed, my senses on overload. This feeling of Jaxon being inside me, his warm, muscular body brushing against mine, his sandalwood scent surrounding me, it’s all creating a heady, intoxicating feeling inside me. I’ m lost in my mate, lost in the pleasure that he’s giving me, and it doesn’t take long before my body is begging for more.

Since he hasn’t released my m*outh, I begin whimpering with my need, scratching my claws down his back, my body moving against his, letting him know that I need him to move faster. Instead, he deepens the k*iss, keeping up the painfully slow pace, that is keeping me right on the edge of bliss.

When the o*rgasm finally comes, I rip my m*outh away from his m*outh, crying out with the pleasure of it. He continues at the same pace, never changing speed. My eyes flash to his as I realize that the pace he’s keeping is now forcing my body to remain in a state of continuous o*rgasm. I gasp and whimper, watching the satisfied, possessive look on his face as he continues to keep my body in a state of pure pleasure.

eyes roll back into my head, and I ride wave after wave of pleasure that he forces me to take. I don’t know how long it goes on, but when he

you contracting around me, see you come undone for me before I marked you.

“I don’t think I can, Jaxon,” I say, whimpering at the thought of my body achieving that high again so

drops them on the floor beside the bed before tugging

one quick thrust. My body, that I was sure

my girl. I knew you had more in you,”

against my body as he begins thrusting inside me h*ard and fast. The difference from the last time to this

he growls, his voice lispy. I look to see

“Mine forever.”

head, giving him access to my

teeth sink into my marking spot. Pure, unadulterated rapture floods my body as

my entire body feels too full, barely able to take the pleasure that Jaxon is giving me. I feel the darkness pulling me under as I feel his canines slide out

Get some sleep, I’ll watch over you,” I hear Jaxon say as

I wake, the first thing I notice is my favorite sandalwood scent. The next thing I notice is how warm my chest is and then I realize that

and look up to see my mate smiling down at me. I’m lying on his chest, which

did wear

out?” I ask, as Jaxon brushes hair out of

“Nearly two days.”

pop up. “Two

looking very

that I passed out and you didn’t,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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