The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

The Contest Chapter 55 (Evangeline)

I know Jaxon is worried about our names getting drawn together, but he needs to get over it. This is about our pack and one of us has to win.

Truthfully, now that we’re mated, I don’t care as much about which of us it will be, as long as one of us does. We both have the desire and the bloodline to run a pack.

We wake on the first day of the competition. Both of us know we have to win today. It’s best if we win today and tomorrow and then we move into the next round of the contest, but if not, it’s best to win today to at least go into tomorrow knowing we have two more chances to move forward.

We walk downstairs to get breakfast and you can tell that room feels edgy since everyone is battling today and only half of us can win. Breakfast is a quiet affair while all of us mentally prepare for our first battle.

As they finish, people begin moving outside. The council has placed the leaderboard up again and everyone’s name is on the board. I find my name and Jaxon’s name on the board and then, like everyone else around us, we wait for the competitors to flash on the board along with our sparring times.

A few minutes later, the names flash up on the board. Haley’s name flashes up next to mine. She’s one of Alpha Davis and Luna McKenna’s daughters. She’ll be tough, but she’s about a year younger than me, so I think I can win.

Then I look to Jaxon’s. He’s got Joanna. She’s Beta Jared and Juliet’s oldest daughter and she’s also younger than me, so Jaxon should be able to defeat her easily, as long as he doesn’t have a problem with battling a she- wolf.

I look at him. “Are you okay battling a woman?”

“As long as it’s not you, I’m good. You’ re up first. Come on, I’ll walk you over.” I glance up at the boards. “Oh shit,” I say.

“What?” Jaxon says looking back up at the leader boards.

“Lazio is battling Taylor.”

don’t think your brother will defeat her. She’s very strong and

on him after

each hour, so the battles

sister Ainsley chasing after Alpha Reid, Davis and

I look at Jaxon.


to spar.” I say as we walk up

Alpha Davis giving Haley last minute pointers, and Jaxon turns me to face him. “You’ve got this, you

“I love you,” I say, k*issing him

tries, I’ll give her that. She fights hard, but in the end, my experience and age overcome hers, and

she tapped out, I helped her up and hugged her, knowing it’s

me around. “Thank you,” I say, looking around. “How did Lazio do?” I ask has he sets me

head. “Come on, we’ll go

family is. Maggie is getting ready for her match, and she hugs Lazio quickly before rushing past me, Caleb with her. Like Jaxon, his match

got this Maggie!” I shout at

on your win, Evie!” she yells

back to

up at me then at Jaxon. “Your cousin is a beast! I had no

“Yeah, she is.”

If I had

think that’s why they changed the rules, so someone like you isn’t eliminated

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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