The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 21 (Jordan)

I know my mother’s threats aren’t idle.

They never have been. My mother is a strong, powerful wolf, one that my father doesn’t trifle with, whether because of the mate bond or my mother’s strength. So, I know when she says that she expects me and Taylor to be civil for the next 24 hours, she means it.

My problem is, this is my pack and Taylor disrespected me. I have enough problems with the males not taking me seriously, I really don’t need this shit from my cousin who hasn’t had to deal with the bullshit I’ve been dealing with for years.

“Am I clear?” My mother asks. “Crystal clear mother, but I will not be disrespected in my own pack,” I say. “No, you will not, or your cousin will face the wrath of her mother,” Aunt Hana says. “Not only do Alphas not disrespect each other, but family doesn’t treat family like this.”

I stand to leave, Jace standing beside me.

“I’m sorry, Jordan,” Taylor says as I move toward the door.

I stop and nod, but I don’t say anything. Nothing that comes out of my mouth right now is going to sound like an Alpha and my father taught me that if you can’t say something like an Alpha then you shouldn’t say anything at all.

When I step outside the room, Jace grabs my hand. “Are you okay?”

“No, Jace. I have to go do f*ucking damage control because my cousin challenged me in front of the pack, then my mother and Aunt basically took over the situation and now I have to make sure everyone knows that I’m still in charge, just in time for me to leave and let my brother, who I’m sure is the perfect Alpha, take over my pack for me,” I say sarcastically.

I take a step away from him, ready to head into the dining room and face whatever backlash I get, but he holds onto my hand.

Jordan. She challenged my Alpha too. Don’t you think it would

know everyone

now that you were my

care. I made the mess, I’ll deal with whatever cleanup is required,” he says and honestly, I don’t have the energy

into position just behind me and to my left. When I

I ask, my

people turn and

for? She’s your Alpha,” he says, supporting

problem, Alpha,” most everyone in the

me, making me want to smile at their support and some of their mates give me a thumbs

with everyone in the room, or stared them down, I walk in and grab

we have our food, Jace and I go to sit with Jaxon and Evangeline. “You always keep it

change the

go to the pack hospital, checking on my patrols that were injured in the battle. I’m surprised to find Taylor there, checking on

pack lands, Jordan. It’s the least I can

ask and see her body flinch. I watch as she gets herself under control before

Jason would like him to

turning to go find

sorry, Jordan. I handled that all wrong,”

and turn to her, looking down for a moment, making sure that I can speak like an

same as being an Alpha female. As an Alpha female, people want to be close to you, want to be with you. As a female Alpha, all they do is challenge you. You don’t understand it yet, but you will. And I guess…. I guess I just expected more from someone who will be facing the same struggles that I am. I guess I thought you’d understand that challenging me in front of my pack would make my position that much

my teeth, forcing myself to remain calm and

realize that you don’t understand it, not yet anyway. You haven’t had to reject every male that showed interest in you because they wanted your position. You can thank Jace for that. You haven’t had to fight your own pack members to maintain your position as their Alpha. You haven’t yet realized that many of the people showing an interest in you, are only doing

at her. “You and I are the only ones, Tay. We’re the only ones who will ever truly understand the position we’re in. And if we can’t support each other, if we can’t be there for each other, then what are we even doing? We’re no better than everyone else that thinks

happen with the bear clan and I don’t know what will happen between me and Jace. But, as one female Alpha to another, I suggest you take this time to figure things out with your mate. Come to some sort of resolution with him and with each other. I plan to do the same with

walk away, leaving her with her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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