Chapter 45

Victoria’s pupils shrank upon hearing so, and she looked at Christian with incredulity. Why did he let everyone misunderstand me when he knew the truth?!

Christian looked ahead and never even thought of sparing her a glance. It was like he was oblivious to the fact that she was looking at him.

At that, Victoria tucked her gaze away, and her countenance returned to usual.

What was I thinking? Bella is his beloved, while I’m just nothing to him.

“Actress?” Bella blinked innocently. “Are you referring to Victoria, Christian? If she wants to become an actress, then she’ll have to get rid of the scar on her face first, and no one can know she has been to jail, or she’d be damned.”

“With such great acting, it’s a shame that you’re not in showbiz, or you’d be an Oscar-winning actress.” Christian stopped in his tracks, looked at the woman in the wheelchair, then sneered before continuing his journey ahead.

“Since Christian thinks you have such potential, why don’t you give it a try?” Bella blinked. “Though there’s the fact that you’ve been put behind bars, you can still give it a go. At the very least, it’s a more respectable job than a hostess or a cleaner.”

“Is there a point in playing dumb?” Victoria asked.

Bella looked toward Christian’s back, and mixed emotions began surging beneath her eyes. “There has to be one even if there isn’t, or something I hold dearly would be taken away.”

Later, when the three headed out after Bella’s rehab session, her attending physician called out to Victoria out of the blue.

“Yes, doctor?” Victoria stopped in her tracks.

The doctor looked at her right leg and asked, “Don’t mind me asking, but your right leg… Is it dysfunctional?”

Shouts of prison inmates calling her lame rang in her ear, causing her face to blanch as she tucked her right leg in.

She had already tried her best to walk like any other person. Still, her disability wasn’t something she could hide just because she wanted to.

don’t mean anything else. I was just asking,” the doctor explained because of the awkward atmosphere. “If so, I suggest that you

eyes lit up for a split second upon hearing so. No one would willingly live with

lowered her eyelids, concealing the malice that flashed across her eyes. She had visited tons of specialists only to get one result—her leg injury was irremediable. But

it,” Christian said impassively and headed out the door before

with burning anger, but it could only be

thing she could do was to please him and stay far away

cured, then so

the car, Victoria had just pulled a piece of tissue out when Christian, who was

head to look at his handsome face as

she hummed a response, put the box of tissue in front,

brows but very quickly released them. “I’ve given it some serious thought, and I think that Victoria should treat her leg if something can

should pay for breaking your leg.” The sun shone through the

to behold, but Victoria had no mood to admire

was really dead

sighed and looked at

only made Victoria’s stomach churn. Bella’s

inside earlier. Why didn’t they come and say hi to you? Do they think you’re an embarrassment because you were sent to prison?”

Her hands, which were on her lap, clenched

meet the pigeon twins when you were locked up in prison for the last two years, have you? I’ve met

had been forcibly dragged to Delta Club after she had been released. What chance did she have to meet her brother’s

words were only a deliberate stab at her

leaned forward, bringing their distance closer. “Why don’t I talk to

her tolerance, Victoria shot her eyes wide open and interrupted Bella, saying, “Are you not tired of pretending to be someone you’re not every single day?! Do you not feel disgusted?! Now that you can’t dance anymore, do you have so much

Victoria regretted it the second she finished her

the back seat. His gaze

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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