Chapter 55

“Sit in the passenger seat,” Christian cooly instructed from the window.

It took Victoria some difficulty to respond with a hum, after which she closed the rear door and moved to the front seat.

Although the window had been opened, there were still traces of tobacco in the car. It wasn’t unpleasant, but the torment was worse than a stomach ache.

It was the same kind of cigarette that he smoked when he broke her leg. The smell was so familiar to her that it tormented her on a nightly basis.

The Bentley quickly disappeared into the night after it was started.

Out of all the Rolls-Royce cars outside the villa, Bella followed Lucas’ gaze and commented with bitterness, “You still can’t forget Victoria?”

“What?” Nancy was originally discussing business with Kevin. When she heard Bella’s comment, she responded, “Luke, you still fancy that murderer?”

Kevin remained silent, but gave Lucas a look of disapproval.

The words ‘Yeah, I can’t forget her’ rolled up and down Lucas’ throat, but when he finally spoke, it was the total opposite. “No.”

“That’s for the best!” Nancy breathed a sigh of relief, but continued with a terrible expression. “Victoria and your sister always had a good friendship, but because Christian fancies your sister, she decided to knock Bella down. Such a ruthless woman would not be allowed into our family, even if she’s severely injured.”

“Your mom’s right,” Kevin added finally.

Lucas’ Adam’s apple rolled up and down while his eyes had darkness in them. His voice was lower than usual when he finally replied, “Mom, Dad. Don’t worry, I still know how to differentiate right from wrong.”

“Yeah, Victoria is a murderer. You can be forgiven for not knowing her true colors when you pursued her. If you know that she is vicious but still pine for her, then you really shouldn’t be doing this,” Nancy advised with a frown.

Lucas lowered his eyes to cover his gaze. “No way.”

look for me, she said that she saw you embracing Victoria and asked that I

in the car. She wanted to stand up, but ended up knocking into the

into a line as his expression changed into annoyance, guilt,

misunderstanding. You know how Scarlett does things without thinking.” Bella coldly gazed at him before gently comforting

aching head and glared at her

Lucas acknowledged after his eyes flickered a few times and his throat tightened under his mother’s red face and Bella’s father’s

looked at him thoughtfully with traces

Nancy heard this, her anger finally dissipated. “Why did

Scarlett came before she could say anything.” Lucas tilted his head and looked out the window as he replied

naturally fell on his side profile as the corners

dares to pester you. This won’t do; I need to have a word with Denise and

window, but he had tilted his head even more while he looked

years ago, so looking for them won’t change anything,” Kevin

for the rest

the passenger seat with her butt to one side as she was tense

car stopped in front of the hospital,

As soon as she did that, the Bentley flew past, as if he wasn’t willing to wait for

a bitter smile when she noticed that and made her way to the hospital

doctor who treated her was the same one as before. “There will be problems sooner or later if you

patients who refused to listen to

reminder.” She was now resting on the bed with a soulless gaze. Although she had been currying favor with

knew that she was ignoring him, but found it useless to repeat

leave after taking the infusion, so please prescribe the medicine for me,” Victoria rejected

her without saying much. “I’ve already made the consequences clear to you last time. I can’t do anything if you refuse to listen. I’ll have the prescription

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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