Chapter 108

It was obvious that the servant was lying due to the inconsistency of her words.

A frown appeared on Christian’s face as he was getting suspicious at the servant. Nevertheless, he could not help but still worry that Victoria really was drunk in the room across, so he eventually went to the window to pull the curtain open.

Right across from him, he saw a French window without the curtain drawn, and he could see whatever was happening in that room as it was well-lit. Standing in front of the opposite window was Victoria in revealing clothes. Her bosom was ample, and the hem of her skirt was barely covering her well-rounded hips. She was on her tiptoes as she hugged Lucas’ neck and said something to him.

She had her back to Christian, whereas Lucas had his head lowered as he looked at her with complete focus. Neither of them noticed that Christian was standing by the window of the room across.

Christian’s expression did not change, but his eyes were hollow as he looked on. He held the gift box so hard that his knuckles turned white.

He did not know why he was still standing there at this point. Perhaps, it was because there was a small part of him still hoping that it was a misunderstanding.

However, when he saw her boldly flirting with Lucas, his breathing became labored. Then, he swiftly closed the curtain before he turned around and stormed out.

“My apologies, Mr. Thatcher. You can’t leave now. Miss Spritz said that you can only leave after she is here.” With false bravado, the servant stood in front of Christian to stop him from leaving.

He looked down at the servant, and there was a storm brewing in his dark eyes. “I told you to scram!” he barked.

“Mr. Thatcher, this is our lady’s order. She asked me to stop you. I hope you unders—” Despite the servant’s attempt to stop him, he pushed her away with a wave before she finished her sentence.

He then headed toward the door, and strode out of the room with long strides.

Panicked, the servant jumped and followed after him closely. “Mr. Thatcher! Mr. Thatcher, please wait! Miss Spritz will be here very soon!

“Please, slow down!”

no matter how many times

arrived just

breathed a sigh of relief and trembled as she said, “Miss

are done here. You can head down now,” Bella said to the servant and pulled Christian aside

me about Victoria being here, and you got someone who looks like her to intentionally put

act if I told you directly that there is something going on between Victoria and

without saying a word. His non-verbal reply was, in a

never liked

you think that you went a little bit overboard by saying that I deliberately put on a show for you by getting someone looking like Victoria?” Her eyes had turned a little red as she said that. “I am Victoria’s good friend, and the person she cheated with is my brother. Why would I try to

eyes were filled with tears by the time she lifted her head to gaze at him. “Furthermore, you and Victoria have known each other for so many years. You should know if that person was

his tie and let out a slight frown. “There are so many

that has only a one-in-a-million chance of being true than my words. That really breaks my heart.” She wiped the corner of her eyes and smiled bitterly. “How about this? My brother and the rest of the ladies are still in the room. Shall we go in together and see if the one you

the crook of his arm and grabbed the gift box tightly in his hand. With dimmed eyes, he started

after him, and when she was beside him, she told him in a soft voice, “The small stairway in the southwest of the living room connected to the opposite room. I will tell her that you

walk in steps so brisk that she



the inside. Lucas was standing at the door in a white shirt and black suit pants. There was a gloominess to his usually gentle face, and he looked at

looked past him and stared at Victoria who had a miniskirt and crop top on. His

ones in the room.

him with a smile before she threw her arms around his neck

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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