Chapter 110

“She’s trying to take me down because she thinks Christian likes me. I’ve always been a good friend to her. I don’t know why she’s doing this,” cried Bella. Pearly tears flowed down her cheeks, stirring pity in everyone’s hearts.

Christian sat back in his chair. As he looked up at Bella, he tightly grasped his knees as he quickly lowered his head again and averted his gaze from her.

Nancy was so angry that she almost passed out. “T-This Victoria. I treated her like she was my own daughter, yet she dared to do such a heartless thing! I’ll sue her. I’ll make sure she rots in jail!”

“Mom…” Bella tugged her mother’s arm, shaking her head repeatedly. “No, she’s my good friend. I—”

Kevin stared at his daughter silently, deep in his own thoughts.

Nancy shook her head and interrupted her daughter, “You almost died! Do you realize that? Your leg is broken, and you might never be able to dance again! Why are you still standing up for that murderer?” Hatred surged in her heart like bile.

Hearing this, Bella was stunned.

Staring down at her right leg, she tried to move it. After discovering that she couldn’t even twitch her leg, her mouth was agape as the tears began to stream down her cheeks.

Lucas’ eyes brimmed with pain. Frowning, he said, “Could there be some misunderstanding? Tori loves to fool around, but—”


Nancy slapped him hard across the face. Jabbing a trembling finger at him, she shouted, “You’ve always been shameless! Everyone knows you have a thing for that murderer, but she almost ran your sister over! Why are you still speaking for her?”

Her breathing started to get heavier and her voice was hoarse from all the shouting. “What are you trying to say? That your sister almost killed herself to frame that murderer?!”

a word. She flopped on the bed and stared

gaze. He held the cheek that Nancy had slapped while each heartbeat

but I’m still alive. That’s what counts.” Bella forced a smile, but she couldn’t stop her

his guilt better if she had blamed him for everything. She was a dancer who could

his fists, he looked at his sister on the hospital bed and then said

the brother you’re supposed to be. Come on, let’s go to the Coleman Residence and find that murderer!” Nancy dragged Lucas out. Looking back at Kevin, she shouted, “You’re coming

been sitting silently at the side. “Christian, I’ll leave Bella in your care.

at Bella before finally leaving the ward at

shut the door, only two people were left in

from a long day at the company. You should go home and rest. I won’t kill myself or

stared wordlessly

chuckled bitterly. “All right, I admit losing a leg and not being able to dance anymore is a huge blow, but I’m definitely not thinking about

look of misery suddenly flooded her face. “It’s just… I never expected Victoria to run me over because she thought you liked me. I’m sad

wasn’t expecting him to also be looking at

already bothered Christian enough. Now, he needed to

to run you over, she chose to do it on her birthday? In front of so

herself. Despair and anger were evident on her face. “My greatest wish in life is to become a professional dancer and perform in front of people all over the world. Are you seriously suggesting I threw away my life’s dream and

didn’t back down. Sneering, he said, “I’m not you. How should I know what’s

she cried, “Victoria and my brother have wronged you. Why are you still taking

even chillier. “What happened between her and me is none of

let her go. You still have feelings for her, am I right?” Bella’s fingers clutched her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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