Chapter 138

Christian frowned when he saw that. He then cast a glance at Victoria, his gaze fixed on her dry lips for a fraction of a second before he withdrew his gaze and exited the room.

Gabrielle immediately went to close the door. Her expression lightened, and she sat on the seat beside them.

“I prepared some soup and porridge. Which one would you like to have?” Evelyn pointed to the two thermal flasks on the table and asked.

Victoria wanted to tell them she didn’t want any because she didn’t have an appetite. However, when she met Evelyn’s gaze, she changed her mind. “I’ll have the porridge.”

Gabrielle immediately stood up and filled a bowl of porridge, thereafter serving it to Victoria.

Victoria, however, really had no appetite for anything. She scooped a spoonful of porridge and brought it near her mouth. After blowing on it, she only had a small sip. “How long have you been here, Mrs. Thatcher?”

“I’ve just arrived.” Evelyn smiled and asked, “Is it hot?”

Victoria simply said it was fine and continued to eat her porridge.

“Victoria—” Evelyn called.

“Yes?” Victoria put the spoon down and looked at Evelyn.

Evelyn cast a quick glance at Gabrielle. Her lips moved, but no words came out.

“I’ll buy some fruit.” Gabrielle took the hint and left.

The door closed, leaving only both Evelyn and Victoria in the room, and the former said, “Your parents fought over you. They’re both getting divorced right now. The only thing holding up the divorce certificate is the distribution of their assets.”

Victoria’s hand trembled slightly when she heard that, and she almost dropped the bowl in her hand. After a brief moment of silence, she let out a low hum and lowered her head to eat her porridge.

The porridge, which was supposed to be delicious, was not. In fact, it felt bitter, and she wasn’t sure if it was because of her illness or something else.

at her,

how to distribute the assets?” Victoria raised her head to look at Evelyn after swallowing

but your father…” She gave a mocking smile and said with disdain, “Your father wanted her to have nothing. He said that the Coleman Family’s money has nothing to do with your

one from a wealthy background,

knew each other during their university days. After they graduated, they wanted to get married, but Denise’s parents did not allow it. However, Denise got pregnant out of wedlock subsequently and insisted on only marrying Glen. Hence, her parents had no choice but to agree to their

her parents passed away in an accident.

then removed the spoon from the bowl

it if you can’t,” Evelyn took the bowl from


Her gaze didn’t reveal anything, but her hands were tightly clutching her

you have anything to say?” Evelyn

say?” Victoria raised her eyes, pursed her lips and continued, “No matter what the reason

of being labeled a heartless and ungrateful man. Her mother, on the other hand, was already accustomed to relying on her father. She would undoubtedly

mother to divorce him because of you this time, did you?” Evelyn took Victoria’s hand in

respond to that and she merely pursed her lips

on the

placed the fruits

Evelyn let go of Victoria’s hand, she smiled and commented, “I’m still tired from

“Please go back

the porridge and the soup here. See you tomorrow,” Evelyn

you’re busy or tired. I’m big

care; how could I not be worried?” Evelyn responded

out, she noticed that Christian was still here. “Don’t linger any longer. Before Victoria is discharged, do not

ask the driver to send you back. I’ll just

him a sidelong glance. When she walked past him, she grumbled, “What have you been doing all this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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