Chapter 229

As she spoke, she pointed at a guy lying on the ground.

Darius looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "You’re worried about the Gillette family coming here."

Alicia nodded. "Yes, sir. They're extremely unreasonable and act based on their whims and fancies. There's no way we can predict what they'll do." She looked at Darius. "If we stay here, we’ll put ourselves in grave danger.

Also, the fact that Samantha did a one-eighty worries me. It proves that she knows they're almost here. We've kept an eye on her all this time, so I have no idea how she found out about that."

Darius took in her frustrated expression, then walked into the courtyard. He put his hands behind his back and looked in the direction that the Gillette family's cars were coming from. 'You're worried that because the Gillettes know we're here, they’ll be able to swiftly come up with a counterattack against us."

Alicia didn’t expect him to understand her so well. She widened her eyes in surprise. Darius didn't turn to look at her, though. Instead, a mocking and disdainful smile curved his lips.

'They might have a hundred and one ways to deal with us, but none of them will work against me. Otherwise, Hank wouldn’t have died by my hands." He stretched his neck.

all it did was bewitch her. He was so handsome to

receive a reply. He turned back to look at

"Nothing. I'm unbelievably reassured now." He

usual self and moved to put her hands into her pockets. However, she stopped at the

that it was meant for him, and he narrowed his eyes. She was an odd woman, and it seemed that he had to change his impression of her. He felt that it'd be dangerous if he thought of

her pockets and sticking her chest out. She held her head high and looked at him. "What, are you going to apologize to me for your rudeness now, you

contemptuous. "You seem to have already forgotten about what happened earlier." Before

hell do you mean by that? What do you mean I've already forgotten about what happened? Are you mocking my memory, or are you saying

to begin with, and at her words, he shut them. He needed a silent environment to think. This woman’s attitude was

the Gillette family had yet to arrive. The only thing that piqued his curiosity about this was the fact that he hadn't heard this slightly familiar

blond man running toward them. Shelvin's hair was mussed up because of

gone missing long ago. He’d never been this disheveled. However, he felt that he could look worse. He ran toward

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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