Chapter 287

Darius knew that he was just in a rush to leave so that he could investigate him, so he didn't keep him waiting. He said calmly, "You can leave if you want to, but there’s a price to pay"

His calmness made Holt doubt himself more. However, he didn’t want to ruin his credibility by changing his attitude again, so he met Darius' gaze, forcing himself to remain calm. Before he verified Darius' identity, he could only treat him as an equal.

“Name it—I'll give it to you as long as it's something I can afford."

"Kate." This was Darius' response.

Holt was momentarily shocked by this, but he soon smiled and waved a hand. "Your wish is my command." He watched Darius closely, wanting to see his joyous expression. To his disappointment, Darius's face remained devoid of emotion. Holt gulped, planning his next move.

Then, he saw Darius wave a hand and say, "Get this straight- everything I said to you earlier has a time limit. If you're still standing there when I change my mind, you'll have to hold up your end of the bargain, but I won’t allow you to leave anymore."

somewhere before. He quickly turned and left without looking back. He'd brought plenty of men with him, and none of them had expected things to turn out like this. They remained rooted to the spot, unsure of

neck and frowned. "It seems that you guys don't seem to trust your boss much. He's already gone, but

gone, he

and time again. Darius was about to say something to her when he

to plead on Calypso's behalf, but he was wrong. Benji said seriously, "Now that Holt's gone, we can

all the mistakes Kate's made?

has she been exposed to much. She still has plenty of room to grow, and I'm sure she’ll make many mistakes in this process. I can’t watch over her forever, though." He

her face; she cried for both Darius and Benji. She wanted to

to try something different. She was on the second floor and inched

to finish up the agreement on the stock rights transfer before Darius returned. That way, he could leave this place as soon

than necessary. Also, he

Kate was no longer standing by the window. He had a bad feeling

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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