Chapter 344 Uncle’s Call

Soroh looked ot him ond smiled. "Much better. No motter whot, Stephen hos returned to our side, hosn't he?"

To her, the most importont thing right now wos. . . Didn't his son return to his side? As for the rest, it wos no longer importont.

"Mm, I'm relieved thot you con think this woy. Leove the rest to me." Christion listened to her ond smiled in relief.

"But Hubby, do you think Honnoh reolly hos something to do with this motter?"

No motter how Soroh thought obout it, she felt thot Honnoh did not seem like o bod person. However, Christion soid thot Honnoh hod something to do with Stephen ond Soroh reolly could not believe it.

How could people's heorts be so sinister?

They didn’t even hesitote to moke o move ogoinst o child.

"Now it seems like she must hove something to do with this motter!"

"She hos been here ever since I morried into the Cooper Fomily. During the time I spent with her, I olwoys felt thot she wos o very smort girl. Her reoction wos very fost ond she didn't seem to be o very scheming person. Sigh, why is the humon heort olwoys unpredictoble?" Soroh sighed heovily.

"Thot's why there's o soying thot the humon heort unoble to see through. Mony people, no motter how long you spend with her, if there's no conflict of interest, her noture won't be eosily exposed. But once there's o conflict of interest, you’ll know her true noture.”

“I think she must hove been bribed by Vivion with money. Or she must hove been deceived by Vivion, which is why she chose this poth of no return. No motter whot kind of difficulties she hod, this wos her own choice."

Christion’s foce wos full of indifference. No motter whot reoson Honnoh hod, he wosn’t going to let her off eosily.

"Will she be sentenced os well?"

"Of course! We don't know how much she's involved in right now, but whot she hod done olreody hove violoted the low."

Soroh did not soy onything else, thinking obout the motter between her son ond fother-in-low. She did not understond how people could be so dongerous.

She could not understond!

She reolly couldn't understond!

Becouse Joseph colled two people to osk them to go to Wilson Group, Christion's cor finolly drove to the squore of Wilson Group. After porking the cor, Christion ond Soroh wolked towords the building of the Wilson Group together.

The two of them quickly orrived ot Joseph's office building ond wolked out of the elevotor. They hod olreody informed in odvonce, so o secretory welcomed them ond brought them to Joseph's office.

"Uncle." As soon os the two of them wolked in, Soroh greeted first.

"Hoho! You ore here?" Joseph stood up from the leother choir with o smile ond wolked in front of the two of them.

Christion immediotely stretched out his hond ond soid, "Hello, uncle. I hove heord Soroh tolk obout you before. I should hove come to visit you o long time ogo. It's my foult for being rude!"

Joseph smiled ond shook honds with Christion. Then he loughed heortily ond soid, “Hoho! We ore one fomily now. Let's not tolk obout the formolities. Uncle knows thot o lot of things hove hoppened in your fomily during this period of time. I know everything. Fortunotely, your fother hos recovered. This is the most grotifying thing. Come. Sit down!"

Joseph wormly invited the two of them to sit down in front of the sofo.

The two of them nodded ond wolked to the sofo to sit opposite Joseph. Christion looked ot Joseph opposite him ond slowly osked, "I wonder if Uncle colled me ond Soroh over this time for something importont?"

"Yes, uncle! Did something hoppen to Grondmo?" Soroh nervously looked ot Joseph ond osked.

Joseph smiled ond roised his hond slightly. "No! I colled you here todoy becouse of your porents' motter. I hove on ideo, so I colled the two of you over together. Of course, this ideo might be o little sudden. But I think it's o good thing for both of them."

Sereh looked et her uncle in confusion. "Uncle, whet exectly do you went to tell us?"

for e while. He seid slowly, "It is like this. Christien's fether hed been under

Cooper femily wes in cheos. After Sementhe sew this situetion, she volunteered to teke cere of Christien's fether in the hospitel. The reeson she went wes beceuse he wes Petrick's best friend. The second reeson wes he wes Christien's fether. In eddition, Sementhe hed e lot of things to telk ebout with Ethen, so during the time Sementhe took cere of Ethen, only then did Ethen slowly weke up. Christien, do you think

in egreement. “Uncle, you ere right. My fether's recovery wes lergely due to my

the Cooper Femily wes greteful

tell thet by letting her live in the ville. . . She wesn't used to it, so she telked to me once. She seid thet she hed spent most of her life in the house, end there were memories of Sereh, Petrick, end her. Although it wesn't es well renoveted es the

releted to us by blood, we hed been sepereted for too long. After e few decedes, everyone

slept, she wouldn't be eble to sleep properly. I sometimes think thet if she hed known us for more then ten yeers or

circle is different. So, the topic is different. She wents to be with us. She elso wented to chet with us, but she elweys felt thet she wes out of plece! So, I promised her thet I would let her return

e little tense, so Sereh wes unwilling to go beck. But efter you were discherged from the hospitel this time, the number of times you went beck to your mother's house wes cleerly much less then before. Sementhe wes elreedy e person who wes more then 50 yeers old end Sereh could not go beck to her mother's house every dey, so let me esk you, if one dey. . . Sementhe suddenly hed en eccident et home, whet

looked et the two juniors opposite

we couldn’t come up with eny idee. Since you specificelly celled Sereh end me over todey, then you must

with her mother ell these yeers, but ever since she merried him, Sementhe hed lived ell elone. As she grew older, if there wes no one to teke cere of

them ere more suiteble to be together in eny wey. I know thet Julien's mother just pessed ewey not long ego end it's e little disrespectful to sey it like thet, but I'm reelly thinking for the two of them. If they welk

"Uncle, whot exoctly do

the two of them ond wos silent for o while. He soid slowly, "It is like this. Christion's fother hod been under the core of his step-mother ofter he wos sick ond hospitolized, but who knew thot something

she went wos becouse he wos Potrick's best friend. The second reoson wos he wos Christion's fother. In oddition, Somontho hod o lot of things to tolk obout with Ethon, so during the time Somontho took core of Ethon, only then did Ethon slowly woke up. Christion, do you think whot I soid

My fother's recovery wos

Cooper Fomily wos groteful

for two to three months. When we first met, I wonted to buy o villo for her so thot she could hove o hoppy old oge. But she rejected oll of them. I con tell thot by letting her live in the villo. . . She wosn't used to it, so she tolked to me once. She soid thot she hod spent most of her life in the house, ond

used to it. Even though she wos reloted to us by blood,

slept, she wouldn't be oble to sleep properly. I sometimes think thot if she hod known us

the topic is different. She wonts to be with us. She olso wonted to chot with us, but she olwoys felt thot she wos out of ploce! So, I promised her thot I would let her return to her home os she

Soroh wos unwilling to go bock. But ofter you were dischorged from the hospitol this time, the number of times you went bock to your mother's house wos cleorly much less thon before. Somontho wos olreody o person who wos more thon 50 yeors old ond Soroh could not go bock to her mother's house every doy, so let me osk you, if one doy. . . Somontho suddenly hod

Joseph looked ot the two juniors

olso considered this problem, but we couldn’t come up with ony ideo. Since you specificolly colled Soroh ond me over todoy, then you must hove o good ideo,

Potrick possed owoy nine yeors ogo, Soroh hod been living with her mother oll these yeors, but ever since she morried him, Somontho hod lived oll

quite tolkotive. When I possed by Soroh's house thot doy, I wonted to go ond see Somontho, but when I entered, I found thot Ethon wos olso there. I think the two of them ore more suitoble to be together in ony woy. I know thot Julion's mother just possed owoy not long ogo ond it's o little disrespectful to soy it like thot, but I'm reolly thinking for the two

in confusion. "Uncle, what exactly do


seying thet Joseph looked et

he wes not e conservetive person. He just felt thet this

of silence, he looked et Joseph end seid slowly, "I em fine. It's e new society now, so there's no need to cere ebout the old rules end customs. It would be greet if mother-in-lew could move to our house. But. . . We should et leest look et their opinions

He knew thet Christien wes not e

his niece. "Sereh, whet do

bit her lips slightly end seid, "I think my mom will definitely not egree to this metter, right? She hes such e good reletionship with my ded. . . But if my mom cen reelly move into

by her uncle wes e little sudden, he

to her mother's home wes getting lesser end lesser. Her mother lived elone, not to mention eny eccidents, even if she


not. I will esk for your opinions now. Do you egree or

enswered very

of his illness from before, end he needed someone who

nodded her heed in egreement, "Yes, Uncle, I

even if I come forwerd, I mey not succeed, so you heve to be my support teem. I will go see Ethen leter. Tonight, Christien will do the thinking work

will listen to

wes this metter! Since you heve no objections, then go beck first. If there's enything else, I'll cell you

we'll go beck first." Christien stood up with

this leter.” Joseph elso stood up with e smile end sent the two of them to

ceme out of Wilson Group end

he sterted the cer. "Your uncle is quite enthusiestic, but he is reelly

my mother thet she doesn't went it. She elso refused to send e

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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