Chapter 65

Gerard takes Luz to the beautiful part of Central Park, the one where you can walk without having to look at your back, he takes her by the hand and they laugh while they think of a beautiful surprise for the princess’s birthday, which will be in two weeks. .

They arrive at a part where people usually sit down to do something entertaining, they seek the shade of a tree and there Gerard hugs Luz, because the time has come to talk about that night.

-My love, go at your own pace, if you feel like you want to stop or leave here, you just have to say so.

-Thanks… – he looks at his hands for a few seconds and then fixes his eyes straight ahead -. That night Rafael left me on the second floor of that place, because it is assumed that the attendees would be more entertained with the girls of the place-he smiles ironically-.

” He assigned me with three boys, Tony, Sean and Rickon … – that last name leaves his lips almost in a whisper and then he opens his eyes -. It was him… – he looks at Gerard with desperation -. He … I went to the room where the things were to distribute among the guests and I sat down for a few minutes, I wasn’t tired, I just needed to stop for a bit.

“Rickon offered me a drink… after that I went out to serve the attendees and I started to feel bad. I wanted… I wanted to go back to the living room or find Tony to take me to Rafael, I don’t know. I just I remember that he told me he would take me to a secret place, I asked him to take me to Rafael, but he refused…

Luz covers her face with her hands and lets more tears come out of her, Gerard kisses her hair, only to not go out at that moment to look for that bastard and beat him to death.

run away, but my body didn’t respond as I wanted. He opened a door and ushered me in, promising to come

caught me in his arms and then… then he dumped me on a couch, where he pulled my clothes off me and then… – buries himself in Gerard’s neck , who has a tense body, because he remembers that part -, I was nervous that night, so I walked around the room. The door opened and he

vividly remembers that as soon as her hands touched that small, frail body, she went into a state of frenzy that went beyond the stimulant

who attacked you?” – he

wore masks, the room was dimly lit, so I don’t know what color the man’s eyes were or what color his skin was.

I know that because the light made them shine a little – he takes a deep breath and looks at something far away again -. I remember

encontró y me llevó con Rafael, quien no preguntó nada, solo me sacó de allí. No tuve que decirle nada, él solo se dio cuenta. Iba a volver para buscar al tipo, pero le pedí que no hiciera nada. No lo dejé me llevara a un hospital, ni a la policía. Esa noche me

empleo en si agencia y

quisiste poner la

atrás, olvidar y seguir adelante. Pero no contaba con que esa noche tendría consecuencias – baja sus manos a su vientre y sonríe -. Al principio lo veía como algo malo,

un edificio. Desde esa noche creyó que podría ayudar a su víctima, y habría

llevaron a ti – ella le acaricia el rostro y sonríe

tranquilos… Luz, perdóname – le dice él en un susurro y la besa con la

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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