Chapter 76

 -What are you doing here? – Gerard’s question comes out between clenched teeth and in an icy tone, which makes Georgia tremble to the girdle —

-Come to the engagement party…

– You didn’t get an invitation.

“But I do and Darcy is my escort,” Georgia says.

-Then the two of them are going, now,

“You don’t want a scandal at your engagement party,” Darcy tells her, pointing with his mouth at the few guests who are showing up.

Gerard goes to say something, but Luz touches his arm and he takes it back, she shakes her head, takes his hand and pulls him.


don’t even look at them. Luz is careful not to leave Charlize alone at any time, because the truth is that nothing the witches

good idea after all, so they stop thinking that what I have with

apologizes as

he wants to study law –

supposed to help me, but he only leaves reading assignments. The funny thing is that he is a very bad teacher-Gerard pretends to be offended and everyone laughs-. He is not able

not like that,” James

derived from other systems. The Roman influence was present until the 5th century, after that England was invaded by

wanting to go to Rome, precisely for

you forgive me for not wanting to correct my

draws Darcy’s attention, who drinks annoyed. She needs to find a way for Luz to find out what she already knows, that will surely

leave the room passing close to her, she only manages to hear “tell Luz” and that leads her to

to Gerard’s office, looks around and puts his ear to the door. She does not hear perfectly, but some

to the conversation, whatever. While in the office, Gerard is happy because only a few pieces of evidence are missing to disrupt all of Bowman’s operations, Rickon has sang like a bird and best of all, he himself begged to be taken to the police, because Alpha’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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