Chapter 106 

took her to her room, the blow that crazy woman gave him hurt… -She will communicate, you just have to watch the news and know that we are back. She closes her eyes on her husband’s chest, thinking that everything will be alright, so that she can be reunited with the princess as soon as possible. While Matías, Dan and Gerard give each other a knowing look. -Excuse me, I have to answer, she is my mother – says Matías and Gerard can feel Luz’s body tense- -Are you okay, love? he-he separates from her and looks into her eyes- -Yes, it’s just that I already want to hug our girl, all this has me very bad. -You must be calm, for our baby… – Matías enters the room and clears his throat -. Something happened? -Yes, I’m sorry Gerard, but I need you to let me take Luz with me, our father doesn’t feel well and my mother wants us to go see him. -Of-of course-she looks at Gerard and he nods – Doesn’t it bother you if I go with my parents? -No, especially if you go with your brother, you won’t be safer with anyone, except me- he gives her a long kiss, because she knows what can happen-. Love you. -And I love you, my love-Luz tries not to show her fear and nerves through her eyes, she smiles at him and walks towards Matías-. Let’s go quickly, I want to go home early. The three men make a gesture that Luz does not see and as soon as the brothers leave, Gerard does what Matías told him. He calls the detective in charge of Charlize’s kidnapping, who is already waiting very close to the place where Darcy is supposed to have the little girl. -Where do we have to go? – Matías tells her and she points him in the direction -. Well, I know where she is. Luz looks out the window at the mansion and she remembers the first time she arrived there, when Charlize and Gerard were waiting for her at the entrance, and Darcy behind them watching her suspiciously. Matías takes advantage of this distraction to send a message to the detective, confirming her location. Throughout the journey, neither of them speaks. The truth is that there is nothing to say. Luz looks at the time and realizes that they are a couple of minutes early. Little by little she begins to see fewer cars and people on the streets, the buildings are replaced by large sheds and some are deteriorated by abandonment. The sunset quickly accompanies them and the cold makes her think that she didn’t bring anything to cover Charlize. -It’s cold…-she tells Matías– -I have some blankets in the car, sometimes I like to go somewhere and sit and watch the river. “Charlize is going to need them from her,” she looks at her hands and then caresses her belly. As soon as you have her, take her out of here, her please. -And what will happen to you? -she asks him annoyed-, -I guess you’ll send someone for me later, I don’t think you’ll leave

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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