The Dark Side Of Fate By Karima Sa’ad Usman Chapter 256



Getting to the bedroom, Amelia requested that we take a shower. She knew how I was feeling and did not bring up the matter of the fire. I was grateful to her for it. She was the only one I had been with that never asked questions. She always allowed me to volunteer the information, making me want to tell her everything and never hide anything from her. I guess it was reverse psychology, and it was working.

We decided we would have a bath instead of a shower. We sat in the scented water for a while without saying a word. The lavender scent helped me relax, and my headache disappeared. Once we were done, we returned to the bedroom and decided we would not wear anything to sleep. I slept like a baby holding Amelia in my arms.

I woke up in the morning feeling refreshed, and my headache was gone. I was grateful to the goddess for it because I doubted I could function with a stress headache.

It would be wise to get on top of things immediately, but I chose to take it easy. If the plant was burnt, there was nothing I could do about it that couldn’t wait.

While I brushed my teeth in the bathroom, I thought of what had happened and realised that it was the only Nitric plant we had.

How would we produce Nitric Acid quickly in large quantities to use in battle with Yuri?

What if they decide to attack us now? We would be defenceless.

The Nitric Acid had helped us and evened the playing field. They were unable to block our wolves and weaken us with silver. It forced them to shift and go head-on with us.

All this while, they had thrived by using silver on people. They had made strong men easy kills with it, but the Nitric Acid had taken away their superpower.

It was expected that they would destroy the plant, but I wondered who must have fed them the information.

I would have to comb through my military thoroughly.

They were my people, so I could use the alpha command to force the truth out of them.

I needed to be sure that none of my men was involved with this shit.

If they were, then major overhauling was necessary to get back on track. I also had to figure out how to get Nitric Acid in large quantities. This was a significant setback, and it was annoying.

I finished brushing my teeth and returned to the bedroom.

Amelia was sitting in bed, and she looked gorgeous.

Her White hair was almost four inches taking the brown dyed hair away from her face. She looked like a goddess. Her plump pink lips looked adorable, and I wanted to kiss them, but I knew she would want to brush her teeth before that.

She looked well-rested and ready for the day.

sleepy tone, and I smiled and

I asked her, and she

She said even though she looked well rested, now that I was close to her, I noticed

look pale, love,” I said,

been feeling a bit off lately. I will have some tests done in the clinic today. Yesterday when we returned, I doubt it was silver that must have caused it, but I want to know quickly before it worsens.” She said, and I was glad she wasn’t the type

and I smiled and

I replied, and she

be fine, Leo,”

will pass, and we will continue our peaceful life. We would remember these days and laugh. The moon is on our side,” She said, and I could not smile at that because her

her arms around me. Then broke it and got off the bed to head

the kitchen,” She called out, and I grumbled, remembering the

one in the kitchen. It was his idea. It was unfair that we were dragged

love before

fired up for the

was ready to do everything needed except cook in

began to hope something would come up that would enable me to escape cooking

in the dining room

There was smoke in the air, so I figured they had just put out

and Kyle mopping the floor while Andrew and Clay were cutting up fruits for salad. They seemed to know what they were doing, so I figured

said we should surprise the women,” Sylvester said with grease on his face,

was with the juice maker squeezing oranges. He got the most

you all

bread, butter

much and too ambitious,” I said, trying to wrap my head around

believe these men. I could understand he would want

make sandwiches, orange juice, and water..”

think of that?” Dominic said, plating a partially burnt pancake on

to serve that?” Devin asked Dominic,

better than the

Devin shook his head.

and decided to taste the

follow the recipe, Dominic?” He asked, and

batter?” Devin asked, and Dominic

won’t taste anything with raw eggs in it,” Dominic replied, and everyone laughed. Theodore went to taste

dumped the

and baking powder are too much. It is salty and bitter, Dominic.” He said, and Dominic decided to take a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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