116 Some Laundry

~ Leo-

When Leah fainted, some Kappas rushed to see how they could help her. They removed her silver cuffs so she could recuperate later, and we asked the press to leave. We did not want the rest of the discussion televised for security purposes.

While the Kappas tried to take Sean away, he began to struggle.

"This is ridiculous. This is unfair. When I supported a Monarch, I did not ask for my right to be taken from me. I have the right to a fair trial. Evidence is to be brought with witnesses," Sean said, and I was off the edge.

His collaboration with Yuri overwhelmed the East and South's economic system. We had all sorts of people trooping in because they were displaced. I could not believe the nerve he had to protest and speak of his rights. What about the rights of the people he displaced by being complicit, 1

"A fair trial, you say? What was your response when we asked why so many displaced people left the West?" Dominic asked him, and Sean was silent.

"Does anyone have the report he sent?" Dominic asked, looking at me, and I nodded.

"He said they were displaced people from packs whose alphas committed treason and that the pack members were not accepted in neighbouring packs due to their alphas' actions, so they chose to migrate to where people did not know them," I said and Dominic nodded.

"Now we find out that the packs shared a border with the South and East, and they have Stepanov Deltas as their Alphas. The fact that as Head of the East, you did not find this strange means you were complicit in the matter," Dominic said, giving Sean the requested trail.

"What do you say in your defence Sean Garret?" Dominic asked, and Sean was speechless. Gradually I watched his angry face turn up into a big grin.

"You all do not know what is coming," he said, finally giving up the pretence.

are immune to silver fast and vicious. All this will soon be taken," He said, laughing like a madman, and

still laughing. Sean stopped laughing and looked at David with

bad you won't be here to enjoy their reign. I doubt you are as important as he told you, Sean, and that goes

by public hanging in the West for all

you will get your hands dirty like this, Sean. You had it all." Pamela asked him, and she seemed deeply

alpha, and no one respects me. I dare not speak in the council unless spoken to. Yuri promised to make me Lord of the West, a noble status the present Monarch did not deem me worthy of. It was a good deal, and I took it. All I had

rage as Bryce did. I knew it was

the confession," Devin


and no one will miss you," Devin said, laughing, and Bryce signalled they take Sean away. He had

asked her. I could see the woman was annoyed too. I guess she just realised how

Joan said, and I raised my eyebrow. It would be interesting to hear what she has

after that and did not say a

believed she had said

by then, but they slapped the silver cuffs on her

up for public execution tomorrow. We can't stay here longer than we have already. They

choice. The Claymans have been broke for years, and we have been paying

would ask for tiny details like relative names, addresses and locations. That was all. I never actively plotted against you, your Majesty. My family needed financial support to cover our shame. We have been broke for a while now. Please. My daughter is innocent. She has no hand in this. She does not even know them. Please, your Majesty," Joan said in tears, and I was in shock.

section. I knew it was because of Joan's arrogance, and Leah was very arrogant too.

and spend my money

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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