119 The Right Treatment


We arrived at a run-down small warehouse. It did not look like anyone lived in it, but I knew it was more than what it looked like on the surface. We shifted back to our human form and wore our clothes. David seemed excited about the mission.

"I am itching to beat this bastard up,” David said, and Devin laughed.

"You don't know how I feel right now. I am sure the douchebag had a hand in the shooting. Must have stolen the shit from Erik," Devin said, and I knew his near-death experience played on his mind.

I could understand Devin's rage. It had only been yesterday. He would have died, leaving Susan alone and marking the end of his lineage. It was alright for Devin to have a go at him.

" Please allow me to lead his questioning. When he becomes stubborn, we can exert force. I need to know why," Erik said, and as much as I did not want to agree, Sylvester said it was okay.

'As long as you do not interfere when we decide to mess him up," Marcel said, and we all laughed.

The ten of us walked into the warehouse. Ready to do damage. There was no point coming with warriors. There were already ten of us, and Bryce had his men there, too, so we were okay and ready to fight if there was to be an attack.

We walked in, and I was surprised that the warehouse looked as ordinary as it looked outside. It had tungsten bulbs. A few wooden chairs and a table.

Bryce was there with six men, and a man with brown hair was sitting on the chair. His hair was a bit clammy, meaning he had been drugged. 1

I could not blame Bryce for drugging him. Stepanovs were immune to Silver. Drugging them was the only way to subdue them.

"Can he speak?" Sylvester asked Bryce, noticing the man's state, and Bryce saluted the king and the rest of us.

He saluted all the lords, including me. I had forgotten I was a lord until he called me Lord Albert instead of Councilman Albert.

"He tried to give us a hard time, so we had to administer medication," Bryce explained, and Sylvester told him it was okay.

We all grabbed a chair and sat in a circular formation, putting Ighor in the centre. Bryce stood beside him. It was necessary because the drug would wear off eventually. Now that we were around, there would be no need to administer another dose. There was no way he could escape us.

"I found him at the airport heading back to Mountain. I think he was returning to Hayland and not Cain as Joan had claimed," Bryce said, and I heard Ighor slur a curse.

" fucking whore," were his words.

I wanted to laugh because that wasn't an insult. It was the actual situation between him and Joan.

"Ighor, how could you allow yourself to get caught up in this shit?” Erik asked him, sounding very emotional.

"How can you allow yourself to be used against your family?” Ighor slurred, and Erik got off his chair and approached Ighor.

"What happened to being peaceful and searching for freedom?" Erik asked him, and Ighor looked up at Erik and smiled. I could see signs of the drug wearing off.

peace. You have to fight for

Yuri is going about slaughtering innocent people,’ Erik said, and

our people,” Ighor replied with a bit of strength. The

does Killing the people in the east and south atone for the

The council representing the people agreed with Dimitri, and they buried his crimes,”

took us in, sheltered and protected us? Is it okay to murder them and prove that Dimitri had a point all these years? Yuri's actions show

said, and

have a lot of respect for you, Uncle. I did not know your hands were this dirty?" Andrew

your father. You are a bloody traitor. First, you worked against Yuri and now this, " he said, and

to murder Uncle Erik for no just cause is treachery. If your perception of right

side. Indeed the man was misguided by his father and lack of accurate information. I was glad we gave him the

here. He did not hide behind his minions.

your King, Ighor Stepanov?" he asked, looking at Ighor, and Ighor

wife,’ Ighor

would have believed you if she was there," he said, and Ighor frowned. I

from his chair and went o where

he punched him hard in the face. I saw blood,

Ighor. We were all attentive. I knew whatever Sylvester planned to do to the psycho would be

give me a location leading to Yuri, Ighor. Then I might let you remain whole,"

arm out of the socket, leaving the

upper arm, breaking Ighors Humerus

down his face. David and Dominic joined Sylvester. I guess he linked them.

like you

it back. All we need is Yuri's location, " David asked him, and he shook his head even though he was in pain. The

and Bryce, and David held Ighor down. Marcel and Theodore Placed his broken

questioning. It was dark and mean,

was going to practice this method on an enemy

placed Ighor's hand on the table, and Ighor

watch, but the rest of us did. Erik must have really cared

no choice. My family and friends are in danger; my people are being killed. I can no longer sit and wait for a peaceful resolution. You will

Everyone let Ighor go immediately. The arm looked like something a tire had flattened in the crushed places.

limbs to go, Ighor. You know Yuri would not care what happens to you.

flinch and did not look like he felt

indeed a scary

Tamia stole his

Dominic. They did not flinch one bit. I took a couple of deep breaths to control myself. I had learned a few things that I would

Gad in ten days. All our members are going to be there, Yuri inclusive. We will be meeting at the National Theatre of Arts and Culture. The underground conference hall has been reserved for us for eleven at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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