124 The Rash


After the meeting in Sylvester’s lounge, Erik requested that I follow him to his room to take my blood sample. While I followed him, I wondered how often he would have to take samples from me. I hope not again because I was beginning to feel like cattle in his lab.

I entered his room and was surprised to see the mess of clothes he had everywhere.

His countenance changed, showing some embarrassment.

"Sometimes deciding what to wear isn't easy," he said, gently scratching his head and smiling from embarrassment.

"I see," I said, eyeing the entire place.

"Do you have a mate?" I asked him, knowing he had children. I had meant to ask him because he had been behaving like a bachelor for a while now. He went to his bag and brought out a big purse. I did not need to guess what was in it when he slipped on latex gloves.

"Yuri and I made many silly mistakes when we were younger. We said we wanted to populate the world and so on," he said, laughing at himself.

"Had I known what I know now, I would have settled with Elsa. She left me after she had Erin, and I did not claim her. I do not know where she went. I hoped to find her but have been unsuccessful in that venture.” He said and prepared the bag he would use to take my blood.

"Yuri?" I asked him, sitting on the couch in his room.

"He settled down, but she died. He was negligent and cruel, especially to his sons. Nelson was the bravest of the three of them," he replied.

"So, where is Erin?" I asked him, and he sighed. I could see the conversation was difficult for him, but he seemed forthcoming.

"Somewhere in the West with his mother. He wants nothing to do with me.” Erik said, and I felt sorry for him.

"Maybe, you can try to get your family back together?" I said while he cleaned my arm to set up the IV line.

"I plan on doing that. Once this madness is over, I plan to dedicate my time to finding Elsa and Erin. I hope it won't be too late." He said, and I remembered something Alexei once told me about Erik and Yuri's experiments.

"What about your other children by other women?” I asked, and he looked at me and frowned.

"Ten successful science experiments scattered about the place,” he said, almost laughing at himself.

which are mine, Yuri's or Mikhail's. We did a lot of stupid things in the name of revenge. We believed it was up to us to build our clan again, so we wanted Luis to join us so we could be plenty. Luis was smart and normal. It was cruel what Yuri did to him. I did not find out until later, so we split up. Yuri had killed the heir because he refused to join up. I knew it was more than that. I knew Yuri did it so he could be the heir. That was why I divided the group. It was the only way to reduce his power. He never forgave me for it. Frankly,

was clear the man let things go easily. He wasn't the type to hold a grudge for long. If only Dimitri did not do what he did, all this would not have happened, and Erik's mother wouldn't have accidentally

learned it is always good to look to the future before making decisions. Decisions that are made based on immediate gratification can cause long­term

quickly, eager to shower, eat and get in bed

ordered the Omegas to serve the food in our rooms because he knew we would not have the time to shower and converge at the dining room to eat. This was thoughtful

smiled. Her mouth was full, and it looked

pinched her nose, pointing towards the

forgotten that I

used a bath wash with menthol, so it was cool against

joined Amelia


she said, and

and I told her all that happened. She

knew Sylvester was a mean guy,” she said,

Sylvester and Tamia when I caught her in

Bluemoon is around the corner," she finally said, and I kissed my mark on her neck. She moaned while

know, Moonlight," I whispered in her

said, hoping we would win. She pulled away from me a little,

side. They can't all be bad. I saw the way they moved when we fought them in Brentwood. They are a formidable force. I know he is being careful, but it also means he does not trust the clan. He has to have a little faith in us," she said, and I sighed, hoping Tamia would see it that way, too, because I knew Sylvester would only listen to Tamia on this matter. He might have told us to speak to our mates about it,

sees it that way," I said, and Amelia

Levi report our findings?" She asked, and I nodded. My response

any physically draining activities with her. There would always

arms. We did not finish the film when we passed from fatigue. I woke

heard from Kyle, and I was worried. Kyle did not need to go West to help Jake,

a battle he had no business fighting.

warriors were in their

us, they did not have AgK32 in their system. They had to

that Yuri would

Sleep eventually came.

a headache and Sylvester's voice in

Amelia. She was sleeping peacefully in bed. My neck was a bit itchy, and I scratched the spot. It felt rough and stung severely after I scratched it. My back and chest felt the same, So I rushed to the bathroom to

looked at my reflection in the mirror over the sink. A trail of red rashes was on my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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