126 Dealing With The Rash


After informing Leo about Gezel Westwood, I began to feel a weird burning sensation on my back. It was a bit itchy too. I did not think much of it and thought it would go away. My mind was occupied with the events that were unfolding. I would lie if I said I wasn't nervous about confronting Yuri in Gad. I looked forward to ending it, and the anticipation made me nervous.

I got into the shower quickly because I had a lot of planning to do when I felt the itch and slight burning sensation on my back.

Tamia joined me in the bathroom and screamed. I turned towards her, and she looked concerned.

"Your back is red with rashes/ she said, looking worried and then it hit me.

"Erik," Knight said in my head, and I tried to turn my back to the mirror to catch a glimpse of what was on it. It was indeed red with rashes at the top visible part.

I grabbed my bathrobe and headed out. Seeing it made the itch increase. It might be psychological, but it had become severe. 2

"Where are you going?' Tamia asked me.

"Erik," I replied, unable to form a complete sentence because I was battling the discomfort. I walked out of the bedroom.

I did not bother to answer the greetings in the hallway and headed straight towards the Beta's wing, where Erik's room was.

On my way there, I bumped into Vino.

He seemed to be in the same predicament as I was, and he was coming from the Beta's wing.

"The Infirmary,'* He said quickly. Knowing what had brought me there.

There was no need for pleasantries. We were both in trouble. I turned around, and we headed to the property's infirmary.

I could not speak. I felt like backing up against a wall with my back and rubbing it there to scratch it. It was itchy.

The burning sensation made the idea of scratching it unpleasant. It was a terrible feeling.

it being bearable. I needed to stop believing the guy. He had used us as lab rats and misrepresented the

completely, and I

I was

been dipped in ice buckets close to

almost asleep, and I could tell

at him. Someone was already attending to him too. His rashes were on his chest and arm. But with the way David and Leo

They made me lay face flat on the bed and used the cooled towel to calm the burning

and I just wanted the itch and burning to stop. I did not care what they were up to. All I wanted

drip. I was eager and impatient. I found myself growling at the nurse to hurry up.

lying face down on the bed. The discomfort must have been too much, so I could not

I must admit I panicked when she said it would subside for three hours. I imagine going through the level of discomfort I was going through now for three hours. It wasn’t

to inject something into the saline water connected to the IV. It

regulating the drip, and I hoped

talking to me when Marcel and Theodore

like a mess, and they had rashes on their chests, part of their arms and a small part of

lot of difficulties. I am sure if men were allowed to show weakness without being judged, we would have displayed discomfort through our

had prepared for this. They had the

none of us would escape the

of the devil, Erik walked in while I was thinking of the arrangements of the place. He looked

said, and I nodded, controlling my

because I felt drowsy. I laid back on the bed

because of the drugs' effects, but the itching and burning sensation on my back was gone. I looked around and noticed David and Leo's beds were

on my shoulder

Majesty. It took about four hours, but you are okay/ He said, amused, and I looked at the


said, and they brought me a shirt to

Queen brought you clothes when she checked on you twice," he said, handing me the shirt and

off the bed wearing the shirt. Leaving

following me, and I knew he had something to discuss

still fresh in my mind. Knowing I would have to go through it again annoyed me, but it wasn't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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