162 A Dream Come True


The wedding and claiming ceremonies were absolutely stunning. Love was in the air throughout, and I couldn't help but feel overjoyed for everyone. Sylvester and I were filled with happiness, celebrating not just a wedding but a triumph.

It seemed almost impossible a few weeks ago, and we never imagined we would reach this moment. Yet, here we were, revelling in new beginnings and the joy of young love.

We truly felt blessed by the goodness in the world. The enchanting light of the blue moon cast a magical spell on us as we danced and praised the goddess for her blessings.

After the party, Sylvester and I retired to our room. We were exhausted, so all we could do was hold each other tight. In the warmth of his embrace, I snuggled closer, cherishing his protective presence. No words were necessary between us. Sleep embraced us, bringing peace and tranquillity.

Morning arrived, and the newlyweds embarked on their honeymoon. Vino, Claudia, Stephanie, and Jake headed to Grizlo, while Devin, Leo, Amelia, and Susan chose Cains Island.

Cains Island was an amazing vacation spot, but I understood why Vino didn't want to go there. It held painful memories of his past with Amanda. Now, he was starting a fresh chapter, making new memories. Any place, like Grizlo, would do just fine. It took some convincing, but Vino and Claudia agreed to leave their adorable triplets behind, entrusting us with their care.

Once they left, everyone else went inside except Sylvester, who pleaded for me to wait with him outside. I instantly felt butterflies in my stomach, sensing that something special was about to happen.

"Let's go to the stables. I want to take you somewhere," he said, and a smile spread across my face as I wondered where our horses would take us.

horses. Sylvester led the way, and I followed eagerly. We rode

was fixated on the property in

I fought to hold them back. I couldn't believe what

a charming park and playground for children. I rushed towards the entrance, where Sylvester stood, holding a set of keys and wearing

him passionately. I had only mentioned my dream to

had decided to grant my wish.

love you so much," I whispered, and he held

queen," he replied, his happiness mirrored in

handed me the key

key in the lock, I turned it, and the door swung

greeted by a beautiful and welcoming

green, brown, mahogany wood, and cream created a delightful ambience. There was a comfortable settee ofchairs, and everything felt

asked, amazed at when he

press of a button, the curtains rolled away, revealing sliding glass doors that showcased the beauty

garden, a barbecue section,

Lucland. It didn't feel like

for Liam, another for Harper, and two additional rooms for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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