Chapter 330

The Dark Side Of Fate 02 In Search Of Sophia (Book 3)


I pushed through the forest, howling my soul, pleading with the moon for peace, hoping for a sign of something that would lead me to Sophia, but I knew I was heading nowhere.

How can I have experienced joy, anticipation and hopelessness simultaneously?

I berated myself for wasting time, for thinking there would always be time. I believed she would always be there, within my grasp, ready for me when I was ready.

Her father had ripped her away from my life for reasons best known to him.

Coming to a halt, Alex plopped on the dirt by a tree, mourning our loss because deep down, I knew I might never see her again.

“She might reach out on the phone,” Alex thought, and with that, a glimmer of hope rose in my heart.

As much as that was a possibility, I wished I had seen her tonight and told her my intentions. What if it is too late by the time she reaches out.

“We can utilise the royal resources to find them,” Alex said.

“You know Father would see that as an abuse of power and privilege,” I replied my wolf.

“Uncle David or Theodore might help,” he said, and even though they were the least strict members of our family, I knew they would not see reason.

It wasn’t like Sophia and I were fated. Besides, they will still hand the matter over to Alpha Thompson, and Mike is his beta. I doubt it will be helpful.

“We have to rely on that phone call,” I said, and I opted to try her number, but I had lost my phone when I shifted.

Knowing I needed a phone for her contact number, I traced my footsteps back the way I came. It took a while because it wasn’t easy to trace my scent. I made many rounds and finally fell asleep by a tree.

I woke up in the morning and continued until I found the device on the ground. I used my nuzzle to flip the phone to the screen and saw that the battery was dead and the screen was cracked, but that was an easy situation. I would just have to replace the screen. Holding the phone in my mouth. I headed towards my grandparent’s home.

People waved and greeted Alex as we strode along, congratulating me for graduating, but there was no way to acknowledge them. I hoped they wouldn’t see me as arrogant, but my heart wasn’t in a good place at the moment.

I finally arrived at the estate and found Charlotte outside, worried sick. She still had her nightdress on, and she had bags under her eyes.

“Liam,” she said with joy and ran towards my wolf. Bending, she hugged me and began to cry.

“We were afraid. You didn’t come home, and we were afraid,” she said, weeping.

“Where did you go? You got everyone worried; Grandma and Grandpa were worried sick; each hour passing, they contemplated calling your father. You know, Grandpa just got his wolf back, yet he shifted and went to look for you. Why will you disappear like that?” she said, still crying.


the others?” I linked her. She broke away from me, and we started heading back to the house. I refused to shift back to my

you, especially Harper. She said you went to Sophia’s house. We called, and her father answered. He said you didn’t come by; that was why we got very worried,” she said, and a rage surged within me. Why would that piece of shit lie? I immediately shifted back to my human form, and the phone fell. I picked it

shit,” I growled, and

the matter,

before turning to face her. Her eyes were swollen and tired

the others?”

moved closer to me. She used the back of her hand

there, Li? Why

angry around her because she was an Alpha like me; some might even argue that the triplets were stronger since their biological

stepped back and sat on

I went there, and we spoke before Alex took over from rage, landing me in the

Why would he

he had sent her and her mother away for their protection. I tried to find out where he sent them. I

silly, but only I

phone?” Charlotte asked me, and I realised

later realised that was an option and spent the rest of the dark searching for my phone, which I did not find until dawn. But the battery is dead, and the screen

use my phone.

her number?” I asked,

I mean, you made our parents send all of us to Grizlo because of her. The instant you chose Grizlo Academy, we knew why; what we did not expect

me hope, and the realisation that I

and I was grateful the phone rang. It rang for a while before

“Sophie, Sophie,” I said.

she asked, and I

mother away. Tell me where you are, and

didn’t think you could help us, Li; I think my father ….”

the phone, afraid something

and I knew

me, Liam,”

yesterday, and you were distraught,” she said,

need not involve yourself in things that are beneath you. You were always above our class. I think it

Where are you? If you are in trouble, I can help,”

mess. I am sorry, your Highness, but where we are going, even your father won’t be able to find us, and as for this number, I have

let me say goodbye, please. I am begging you.” She was pleading and crying in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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