Chapter 352

Alpha Justin


Josephine and I lingered outside, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the ambulance. The woman’s condition was critical, and though the odds seemed bleak, we clung to a glimmer of hope that the medical team would save her life.

My mind couldn’t escape the haunting question: why would anyone want to harm a mere housekeeper? It baffled me as we stood there, trying to make sense of the senseless act.

Throughout the traumatic ordeal, Josephine tightly held onto me, seeking comfort and solace. I wished I could shield her from the gruesome scene we had just witnessed, sparing her the burden of such a disturbing sight.

With heavy hearts, we both knew our plans for the evening were shattered. The experience was too overwhelming to carry on as if nothing had happened, so we decided it was best to call a cab and return to the safety of the pack house, where we could process this unsettling event together.

“I apologise for how everything turned out, Jo. I truly wanted us to enjoy ourselves,” I expressed as we strolled toward the road. She interlocked her hand with mine, offering a comforting touch.

“Putting the housekeeper incident aside, I genuinely had a great time, Li,” she confessed, and the sincerity in her voice brought a sense of relief to my troubled mind.

I hailed a cab, and we entered. I was determined not to let any distance come between us. Pulling her close to my body, she nestled in, and a wave of calm washed over me. In that moment, holding her close, everything else seemed to fade away, and I cherished the connection we shared.

The drive to the packhouse was brief, and we soon arrived. It being late at night, my assumption was that everyone would be asleep. To avoid encountering or disturbing anyone, Josephine and I quietly made our way toward the staircase, intending to head to my wing. However, our path was unexpectedly blocked by Justin, whose expression revealed clear anger—undoubtedly related to the incident at my grandmother’s house.

“What the Fuck, Li!” he exclaimed, causing Josephine to flinch slightly. Josephine wasn’t an alpha, so she couldn’t help but feel intimidated by Justin’s imposing presence. She clutched my arm tightly, seeking reassurance, and I glanced at Justin.

“Please, let’s keep it calm,” I linked him, hoping to diffuse the tension. His gaze shifted to Josephine, and he realised his mistake, acknowledging her vulnerability in this situation.

still there in that house? Why did you even decide to go there in the first place? When did you

Josephine in all of this, Liam?” he pressed, leaving me speechless

were just a toddler back then, but I still vividly recall our parents hurriedly hiding us in a safe house when the Stepanovs clashed with the Volkovs. It was precisely

while trying to solve a case you brought to the table? Do you think he will consider the bond between our

doesn’t mean

calling seven times, desperately wanting to speak with you. I had to lie, claiming you had locked yourself in your room and were asleep. Unfortunately, I was caught in the

home. I can’t help but feel disappointed in you,” he conveyed, his disappointment

respond. Taking the blame for the situation was fine with me because, in truth, it was all worth

tried to signal her to refrain from saying anything that might lead

never been

were at the fellowship park when we heard the sirens. Liam wanted us to return, but I got curious and ran

I shook my head subtly, urging him not

He’ll insist she returns.

said gently to her and then turned his attention to me. “Follow me to my room,” he ordered, and Josephine looked worried. I managed to give her a reassuring smile as I followed Justin to his room. She proceeded to my wing, and I

as we entered

don’t jeopardise our lives in the process,” he cautioned, assuming that my actions were connected to Sophia’s disappearance. However, I disagreed, as checking on the fire had nothing to do with

remote control. He pointed it towards the television, turning it on,

a few hours ago,” he informed

Liam. The key to freeing your girlfriend lies with the council. We have certain demands, which we will share with you soon,” he conveyed, followed by an unsettling image of Josephine and me preparing to hail

can only imagine what’s going through his mind. Please, Liam, I need you to be extremely cautious. We have no idea who these people are or what their intentions might be. It’s crucial that we stay vigilant as we proceed with our investigation,” he urged, and now

witnessing that scene, and it was clear that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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