Pamela was surprised to see Corinne in the kitchen.

“Corinne, what are you doing here? Don’t you want to hang out with your friends? I’ll let you know when lunch is ready.”

Corinne smiled. “It’s okay. They’ll be fine by themselves. I came to see if you need any help.”

Pamela waved her hand. “No, it’s alright. I have plenty of help here. You should get out of the kitchen. All this smoke and grease isn’t good for the baby.”

Corinne looked down and stroked her belly. “Grandma, you really care about this baby, don’t you?”

“Of course,” replied Pamela sincerely. “How can I not care about my great-grandson?”

Corinne smiled tepidly. “Does that mean you won’t care about me once the baby is born?”

the question. She quickly held Corinne’s hand and said, “Is everything alright? Why would

birthing machine for the family. I have no freedom or say in

worry about the baby after what happened with Anya and everything. I want to be able to hold my great-grandson before I die, but never

I feel that

Jeremy has been busy these past weeks, but I promise I’ll make him spend time with you once

back her hand. “Since you don’t need my help, I’ll go back to the

that, she walked listlessly

that, so she called out to her,

paused in her tracks and

can guarantee Jeremy loves you. I know you’re mad at him for keeping you under house arrest, but he only does that to make

mean that, Grandma?” asked Corinne

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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