“Okay. You can go home now. I’ll be sure to check out your channel,” said Sunny. After that, he haughtily waved the busker goodbye before getting into Xante’s car.

Xante glanced at the busker and got into the car too. She then drove off after making sure both she and Sunny had put on their seatbelts.

Sunny, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, lifted his chin proudly. “Hmph! I guess it’s true when they say women mean yes when they say no! You still came after all. You know, you should just tell me if you really care about me. I promise I won’t laugh at you.”

Xante was speechless. ‘Here he goes again.’

She would not have come all the way to pick up Sunny if Aaron had not seen the busker’s livestream and told her Sunny was crying in the underpass. After all, it would be more troublesome for her if the Riveras blamed her should anything happen to him.

It was a good thing her place was close to the underpass Sunny was at, so it only took her less than 10 minutes to get there.

“By the way, how did you know where I was?” asked Sunny.

Xante focused her attention on the road instead of answering him.

“You must’ve mobilized your men to look for me. Heck, I won’t even be surprised if you

I have better things to do than

scoffed. “Why don’t you just admit you were worried sick about

on one

lying! I didn’t even

battery, so she threw

phone with a confused expression, but his confusion morphed into horror when he saw screenshots of

these?” he asked, all

You can’t blame anyone but yourself since you should’ve taken care not to appear in the busker’s livestream. I won’t be surprised if this goes viral since everyone online is trying to find out who you

a choice, he would not have

you think Lucas will see this?” he asked

if he didn’t, his men would report to him when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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