Sophia put her hand on the balcony railing and fluttered her eyelashes at Jeremy. “I’m just saying ‘if’! I mean, would you take another woman as your wife if you can’t find Miss Corinne?”

“There’s no ‘if’ in this matter.”

Sophia pouted. “What a spoilsport! There’s no harm in imagining a different scenario.”

Jeremy glanced at her. “Just what are you trying to say here?”

to live with you as a partner. I mean, we’re already legally married abroad, so that makes us husband

surgery unless Jeremy got married.

between them so he asked her to help

divorce the instant he got the surgery, Greg told him that it was

flight conditions. It was also on that day, Jeremy met Corinne for the first time. After she kissed

he got with Sophia as they did not really stay in contact after the wedding. Jeremy had every intention to get legally married to Corinne since he planned to spend

marriage abroad, and Corinne would definitely be mad once she learned of the situation. Thus, he planned to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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