Corinne did not know if she was overthinking things, but she had a tingling feeling that Jeremy was staring intently at how she held her fork.

Sophia enthusiastically served some barbecued chicken wings for Corinne. “Try these! These are my favorite, and they taste amazing!”

Coincidentally, Corinne liked barbecued chicken wings too. However, she had no appetite for them that day because they were revolting.

Corinne thanked Sophia with a smile and continued to eat her least favorite foods. She just wanted to finish eating as soon as she could and end the meal that she should not have had in the first place. However, she had zero will to eat at all, and her appetite was lacking because she was pregnant. After eating some of the food, she felt uncomfortable and wanted to vomit.

She tried her best to stay calm as she stood up and said, “Sorry, but I need to use the restroom. Could you excuse me, please?” She left in such a hurry that she forgot to take her phone.

She had just left the table when the phone vibrated. Sophia reached for it, but Jeremy stopped her. “Don’t mess with other people’s belongings.”

Sophia defended herself, “I’m not! I just wanted to bring it to her! What if it’s an emergency?”

out to get Corinne’s phone and got up to send it to the bathroom. However, her pupils dilated when she

to Jeremy and

interested in looking at the contents of other people’s cell phones. However, he was forced to look

His pupils shrank immediately.

vomited in the bathroom and came back after cleaning herself. She did not notice anything strange on the dining table when she

was vibrating earlier. Someone

moment but was secretly relieved when she saw that the

she picked up the phone and looked at the message.

The driver said he hadn’t picked you up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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