Shaun, with dark circles almost reaching his belly button, walked over, holding a cup of coffee. Early shoots like this were a challenge for everyone in the crew. "You must think it strange. Like, why does it seem that everyone except for you acts as if they don't remember the previous day's incident?" asked Shaun. Melody nodded.

"Maybe they find it hard to process, too. I mean, the leading actress they've always believed in doing something so damaging to her reputation..."

Melody's tone was subdued. After Stella's arrest, one would expect a sense of relief, but she was not particularly cheerful at all. Probably because of what happened with Lucas. However, the production crew should be able to catch up on lost time without Stella's scheming.

Shaun raised an eyebrow, finding Melody quite composed. He had expected her to take advantage of this opportunity to bring Stella down, but Melody had done no such thing. It seemed she was indeed a newcomer, not tainted by the vices of the industry.

Melody had the entire Rivera family behind her back. She could easily use the Riveras' resources to ensure Stella would never have a comeback if she wanted, yet that thought did not even cross her mind. "I thought you'd be happy with Stella's arrest, but it seems like you're not," remarked Shaun.

I forgot, you all believe there must be some deep-seated hatred between Stella and me.

must've done something

did not expect much out of them anymore. It was a good thing as well since she was not there to make

working in the entertainment industry have long learned how to take sides. I'm not asking you to forgive them. I just hope you

Melody nodded in understanding.

drinking this coffee for so many years, and I still can't understand why people say it's good. Even so, I can't do without this stuff. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the energy to work! Then I

both critical acclaim and box-office success. A director would lose their commercial value if they could not produce films that capture audiences' attention. Melody glanced at Shaun. She had never seen him so weary since joining the production. Despite having earned the reputation of a great director, it seemed like he was a bird trapped in a golden cage. Due to certain constraints, only about

Melody's gaze. "Alright, get

healthier glow. Having woken up so early and coupled with not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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