"It's dangerous for you to be out here alone. Next time, try to avoid taking on such field investigations."

Rita smiled shyly. She knew they were only looking out for her, but she believed she was capable of doing what they did and was not planning on taking their advice.

She certainly felt warmer after finishing her cup of instant noodles. She moved closer to the senior reporter and asked, "Mister, this is my first time on such a task. May I know how I should go about it to ensure success?"

The others looked somewhat surprised. "This is your first time? How come you don't have someone more senior accompanying you? Which media outlet are you from?"

"Well, they all didn't want to continue the investigation. But I didn't want to give up, so I came alone," Rita explained hesitantly.

The other reporters nodded in understanding.

me and investigated every little detail. But that's all in the past. Even if your colleagues aren't willing to stake out here, they shouldn't have let you

put myself in position again. Thanks for

repeatedly as the other reporters opened

was on this land before you came? It's best to find


some research, but according to previous records, the residents who used to live on this land were all successfully relocated, and they received a fair amount of compensation or

Residents would usually be willing to relocate as long as they were adequately compensated. Logically speaking, after so much time had passed, there should not have been anyone suddenly popping up right before construction was about to start,

the homeless man. He was in such a dire situation; how dare she entertain such dark suspicions about him? "You're right. The information available to us is quite limited. But don't you find

developers were mistreating the man, or the man was lying. These were the

evidence they had was too scant. To make matters worse, the homeless man refused

honest, we're not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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