Chapter 2904

Sadie then added, "Can't you see that things are still awkward between them?"

"I didn't notice that at all. All I see is how much they like each other," Karen responded helplessly. "You don't have to lie. I know they don't have feelings for each other. If Rita can do it, then why can't I?"

Karen sighed. "You're my daughter. I believe that you deserve the best, but you should at least look at the situation. What you said at the dinner table was inappropriate. You were already asking Sherman to visit more often when your father hadn't even said anything yet! If anyone finds out, you'll have a hard time finding a husband!"

"But I already found the man I want to marry. I want Sherman! You've been living the easy life for far too long, Mom. You've forgotten all those struggles we had to go through. Marrying Sherman would put Rita beneath me forever, and you'll finally be able to vent out that pent-up frustration."

Rita back for more meals in the hopes that Sherman would at least come to pick her up even if he did not join for the meal. Over time, they would inevitably cross

parents watched their children grow up into adults who no longer heeded their elders' advice. As much as she wanted Sherman to be her son-in- law, she realized after their meal earlier that being his

to the car, after which Rita immediately apologized to

can say?

been in such a difficult situation if you hadn't

do this to you all the time?"

has made things super difficult for me ever since I married you. There are

going home," Sherman said

dinners were normal, but you saw how quickly they demanded things from you even before you had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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