Chapter 294

Lucas nodded gracefully. “Then, might I trouble you officers to bring me in to confront the suspect Corinne Carew?”

The police officers exchanged a look with each other before taking Lucas into Corinne’s ward. Jeremy, too, calmly followed them in. However, the police officer standing guard by the door held up his hand and stopped him with a frown on his face.

“Sorry, Mister Jeremy. The case is still under investigation. As someone who’s unrelated to the case, it’s better if you wait outside.”

“How come he can go in, then?” asked Jeremy with a raise of his eyebrow.

The police officer knew he meant Lucas when he was referring to ‘he‘, so he tried to explain as nicely as he could. “He’s related to the case. He’s acting as a witness to circumstantial evidence and has the right to confront the suspect.”

told you I have nothing to do with this case?” asked

Mister Jeremy, how are you related to

I have the right to watch the confrontation unfold.” Jeremy’s tone was one of calmness, yet it carried with

he was the one

to call the police as soon as they arrived at the crime scene. Therefore, Tommy

a comeback. After some hesitation, he put down his

Anya wanted to follow as well, but the same officer put up his hand. “Miss

know, too! Besides, I want to

looked with her big sad puppy eyes and the bandage wrapped around

sighed and put down his hand

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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