The Divorced Billionaire Heiress

The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss Chapter 264

Chapter264 A Hopeless Sitution 

Nicole sighed in relief when she noticed the fake native.
The torrential rain plunged the night into a cold abyss.
The leaves around them rustled loudly as
they were drenched in the downpour. Accompanied by the crashing waves from the sea and the wind
howling, it was almost phantasmal and despairing.
Nicole was soaked to the bone and shivered in the cold. The chill seemed to drill all the way down
to her marrow.
She had just stopped to gasp for breath when she suddenly heard the flurry of heavy footsteps
catching up behind them. It was extraordinarily clear in the darkness.
Nicole alid tlte fake ltative exchanged a glance. They theli coittlnued to run

without hesitation.

The cold rain pelted her face like a sharp

After just a few minutes, she felt like her heart was about to jump out, and her legs stopped
listening to her brain. The surrounding environment was dark, and in addition to the rain, it was
impossible to see anything at all.
The ground was littered with branches and leaves, but they could only continue to escape, even if
it meant crawling away!
The indigenous people chased after them relentlessly and even threw branches at them. Nicole’s back
was hit several times, but she merely gritted her teeth and got up to run again.
Her hands had countless wounds after being cut by twigs and thorns, but she was numb ro the pain.

The fake native in fr‹irit of her ntoved

agility. His body was nimble, and

would mean certain death! Suddenly, her foot hooked onto a tree trunk,

ground and she found herself freefalling! fler hands desperately reached out for arlything she could grab. Slte managed

was at its limit. The sounds of the indigenous people behind her were like a death knell for her, sinister and frightening. The feeling of hopelessness had never been so strong before,

However, the next moment, the fake native that should have run away suddenly appeared in front of
He reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the pitfall.
It was like she was handed a llfellne.

could sigh in relief, she

thick branches that were shaved into sharp spikes in the pit. For a moment, her hair stood on

people. If she had not grabbed onto the vine, then she would have lost everything on this freezing rainy night. The

was no time to think. She could only run forward stifHy and numbly. She could not turn back. She could not stop. She could not even have a second’s rest. There were more paths ahead of thelit afler running through thls sertioit of the jungle. The fake native turned a few corners

the sound of footsteps behind them gradually faded

finally stopped and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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