The Divorced Billionaire Heiress

The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss Chapter 266

Chapter 266 He Regretted It
When Eric opened his eyes and saw the familiar furnishings around him, he sat up in shock. He was
about to rip off the needle stuck in his arm and leave.
“Where are you going?!”

Old Yaster Ferguson’s face was red with anger. His aged voice was imposing and forceful.
The butler and servants at Eric’s sides stopped him. No one dared to speak for a moment.
Eric’s expression became nasty as he spoke with a firm tone.
“I’m going to look for Nicole…”

“She’s already dead!”

Old Raster Ferguson’s words hit Eric like a bolt of thunder olit of nowhere.
Everyone already kitew that, but Eric was

still In denfial.
Those words suddenly touched the deepest reallty bttrird lil lils heart.
Eric felt like a deer in headlights.

That taut nerve pulled and snapped.

He looked up with bloodshot eyes, his face tight and cold.
“She’s not dead. She won’t die like that!”

His voice was surprisingly cold.

‘How could I leave Nicole alone in the sea? No matter what, I must take her home!’
Eric stood up and was just about to walk out, but Old Master Ferguson immediately shot the

butler a look. The butler came forward with the servants and pinned the froil kric firmly in his
“Young VasCer, y‹iur li‹i‹ly hasn’t recovered yet…”


was icy like a wlnter

but she’s already dead. There’s no need to throw away your life for her. Do you want our entixe family to be buried with her? Do you know what kind of rumors were flying around outside while you were searching for her during this period? Our family is becoming a joke!“ “I don’t care! She’s not dead. I have to find her!“ Eric had to tell her in person how important Nicole was to him. He had to apologize and confess his love

learned the news of Nicole’s

His soul was gone.

he was most proud of. Eric was outstanding, decisive, and fierce. In just a few years, he became a permanent resident on the Forbes list. Now, Eric was throwing his life away for a mere woman?! “Watch the door and don’t let him take a single step out of this room!” Old Master Ferguson ordered as he turned to leave. Even if he had to use

accepted this reality, he would be able to think straight again. By that time,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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