The Divorced Billionaire Heiress

The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss Chapter 319

Chapter 319 This Wimp

Nicole’s sharp eyes noticed the two parachutes stacked next to her,


Nicole gritted her teeth and thought, “Fine, this is the last step anyway… She reached over carefully put on the safety harness, and helped the cameraman with his things.

The sunlight was not blinding. The cold winds up top also blew in the right direction.

Nicole took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, and jumped down. The cold wind slapping her face was painful, but she could not shout.

Otherwise, her features would look distorted on camera, and she would look like a monster. “Ugh! I really regret coming here! The sound of the wind in her ears felt like it was amplified a

dozen times.

The air pressure affected her eardrums. Nicole tried to inch her parachute in the right direction.

About ten minutes later, she felt her body being dragged down. Many people surrounded her. She finally landed safely.

Nathaniel’s handsome yet irritating face appeared



frantically. Nicole’s face was pale. She finally managed to regain her sanity and heartbeat and rolled her eyes at

corners of Nathaniel’s lips twitched. He quickly caught up to her and

intellectual challenge, so

to choose who you want as your teammate!” Seeing that Nicole came over

fast as he could just so that he could change teammates! Then who do you want?” Nicole did not even think about it and replied, “Miles Kavanagh.” Nathaniel froze in place and

Why?!” Nicole rolled her eyes at him and explained, “Fabian’s

opened his mouth

unreliable?’ Nathaniel felt devastated. The viewers saw

abandoned! Aren’t they tight friends?] (Awww… Nathaniel got dumped! He looks so pitiful and adorable…] (Why do I have a feeling that Nicole wanted to win this checkpoint just to change her teammate…?] (Poor Mikayla, she still doesn’t know that she’s been

first challenge was over. Mikayla also came out of the cave with the help of the staff and rejoined

disappointed and felt humiliated to

Nicole looked at Mikayla and hurriedly said, “Nathaniel chose you just

at Nathaniel excitedly,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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