The Divorced Billionaire Heiress

The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss Chapters 659

Chapter 659 Da You Not Like It?

Congratulations, Mr. Ferguson!”


Everyone seemed to be interested in this brief exchange, but it was cuickly forgotten.



li the auction

on hingly beutiful string ofblak Parls.

It was a vintage mechlace with three 15 mm black paragon pearls that had a natural brange hue to it. It was procliun, ratu, elegant, and flawless. There was not even a reference price on the market became it was shockingly expensive and rare.

The necklace was lying in the whicebox, cimitting a cold light

Everyone in the cIUC Scomed to beld dicit breaths.

Industry experts knew that this necklace was worth a fortune

The value even exceeded the sum of the previous two alltid liems!

After a moment of silence, the host smiled. There’s no start the price, so please bld

question that this necklace had no

people began to bid one

“Sio milioni

the necklace for a moment. It was inpossible not to be amazed, but she also know that even if she bought this, it would saly stay on the


who was beside her, suddenly

$50 millon”

Nicole was stunned.

Eric’s low voice ang out.

Claytecontinued: “$80 million’!

Fric followed. “S100 milion

last hung ctcl. The


Avtobeautioned at this price.

had no ineren bemodest and surprisingly raised his

The crowing

for Eric and clayton, no one wanted to continge the

vasstem. He did not let up at all

he wanted to take

bidding another $200 million to

strong financial standing the was not to be

everyone ihought that Clayton would

heated. EncryoNE dinct dare to make a sound, There was no doubt that this was the

lidp but look over

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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