The Divorced Billionaire Heiress

The Divorced Billionaire Heiress Boss Chapter 220

 Chapter 220 I’ll Let Go if You Lie

The corners of Nicole’s lips twitched. To Nicole, it was a nightmare to hear Ingrid calling her name in that tone.

If Nicole did not find out about Ingrid’s plan in advance, Nicole would have doubted her ears. Ingrid, who was in front of Nicole, kept a polite smile and the etiquette of a high-society lady.

“Nicole, I have something to say to you. Can we talk alone?” Nicole raised her eyebrows and swirled the grape juice in her glass. She questioned Ingrid.

“What do we have to talk about?” Ingrid paused for a moment and hung her head.

“I’ve been seriously reflecting on my past behavior these days… I admit  that I’ve gone overboard last time, so I’d like to sincerely apologize to you…’

Nicole just nodded with understanding and said, “Oh, okay, then just apologize here. Won’t it be more sincere in front of everyone?” Ingrid’s face stiffened.

She forced a fake smile. “Um… It won’t be very appropriate. I still have some things I want to say to you in private.” )) Nicole hesitantly looked at the large crystal lights overhead that were reflected on the surface of her drink.

The light moving in her glass was surprisingly more beautiful than the real ones above her. Ingrid saw Nicole’s hesitation and immediately added.

“It won’t be good for others to hear about the things between you and my brother, right?” 2/9 Scanned with CamScanner Nicole lifted her eyelids.

The corners of her lips curled up faintly. “Okay.” She stood up. Yvette pulled on Nicole’s arm and frowned.

Nicole smiled reassuringly and patted Yvette’s wrist, indicating that

Ingrid’s eyes flashed with a hint of smugness. On the balcony

in the dark sky. The stars were as far as the eye could see. Ingrid looked

childish…’ Ingrid was standing not far away behind Nicole. Her voice

good match with comparable family backgrounds and you’re both

to approve of you. Are you really not interested in my brother

cold and detached smile. “Are you mistaken? How can your brother and I be a good match?” Ingrid paused for a

could you not be a good match for my brother?” Nicole

how is your family worthy of being compared to my family?” ‘She even has the cheek to presume that her brother is

behind Nicole, staring at her

brother had already warned her many times not to mess with Nicole. If it were not for Nicole, Ingrid would not have been humiliated in front

anger. Before this, Ingrid had already noticed that this

them before she asked Nicole to come out. This railing no longer had any

Since this place was obscure with the surrounding greenery

suddenly screamed, “Nicole,

Nicole down from the second floor. She did not

It was

be so smug? Nicole would be humiliated if she fell

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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