Chapter 902 Was This Divine Retribution?

Everyone was too frightened to figure out if it was real or fake. This was not the time to joke.

The opened the car door and ran out.

Fortunately, for convenience, Nicole and Julie wore flats.

However, Yvette was always the most concerned about her image. Even if she was stepping in mud, she had to step on i t in high heels.

It was not very convenient when she ran.

Ian tried to pull Nicole, but Nicole looked at Julie, whose legs had gone numb.

Julie’s face was as white as paper.

“Ian, you take Julie, and I’ll take Yvette. Don’t waste energy. Hurry up and run!”

“Nicole, you have to keep up!”



Julie gritted her teeth and ran ahead with lan.

Based on what they learned in school, they should run perpendicular to the

y should run perpendicular to the direction of the mudslide at this time.

However, it was dark all around without a single trace of light.

light emitted by their phones in their hands was of no

they could only run

rain were like a

grasped Nicole’s hand, crying as they

mind was

the rumbling sound of debris rolling in

could sweep away all the warmth and hope they




pulled her forward, but Yvette’s heels gradually slowed

soaked, cold, and

soaked, cold, and

high heels angrily, sobbing and holding Nicole’s

be scared, Lil

Nicole as

scared, Yvette. Iar and Julie are just ahead. We’ll catch u p

them getting closer and closer. The panic in her heart was

was scattered in

and the rain hit her face like

ran, the more terrifying the loud noise in the wind and rain


strength was considered good,

uemg urazgeu uovu.

Nicole could not let

did, she would lose her

bad enough that she lost the person she

getting heavier, an he felt that her heart was about to jump out of her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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