The Divorced Billionaire Heiress

The divorced billionaire heiress Chapter 129

The Divorced Billionaire Heiress chapter 129

The atmosphere was stagnant for a while. Fortunately, Eric Ferguson did not pursue it further. The topic changed to determine the project’s direction.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour, and it had started to rain outside.

When everyone went out, they ran into their cars one after another. Since the steps at the entrance were on low terrain, a pool of stagnant rainwater had accumulated there.

Nicole walked out last. She was wearing her custom- made Manolos that were incredibly sleek and exquisite, so she hesitantly stood on the steps.

Stanton Corporation’s Rolls-Royce parked not far from the steps. The driver could not get any closer even if he wanted to.

Maverick noticed his sister’s expression.

Since there was only one umbrella left, Maverick habitually took it and propped it over Nicole’s head. “ Shall we?“

He sounded like he was used to being servile to her.

Nicole lowered her head and pointed her toes as she said with regret, “The diamonds on these shoes will fall off if they get wet…“

Maverick heard this and glanced at her. He saw that she was wearing a short skirt today that was not suitable for being carried because picking her up would risk exposing her.

Thus, he took off his bespoke suit jacket and threw it on the ground in front of her. He propped the umbrella on top of her head, went two steps down, and held out his hand as he said with extreme patience, “Now it won’t get wet. Let’s go.“

Nicole sighed and thought she could only make do with this.

“I guess that’s the only way.“

She placed her hand on Maverick’s palm, stepped on his expensive jacket, and got into the car.

himself and thought,

people saw this scene as well. Gerard Lichman shook his

witnessed how nitpicky a princess could be! She might even care if the air around her isn’t sweet enough, yet you treated

car with sunken

true identity. Even international big shots were humble in that man’s presence and took the initiative to reach out to him, yet he was being so

relationship between these two seemed to have exceeded the boundary

Were they too close?

“Nikki! “

Stewart waved at Nicole from a short distance away. She was holding Tigger as she

smiled in response. She then whispered to Maverick, “She’s

about to hug Nicole when

she shouted in shock, “Holy

Molly chucked Tigger aside and hugged Maverick, which made

he pried this woman off his body. He sounded upset as he said, “ Please have

Molly care for self-respect

being pushed away. She tilted her head to look at the tall and lean

you a friend request and


You’re stupid, slow, and untalented. A simple calculation can make

ago gradually morphed into distress,

who was crawling on the ground. His tone

and made

Maverick and smiled. Her

just a stupid tiger. I can still make it

in protest. “ You’re the stupid tiger!

a threatening look and turned to Nicole and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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