Chapter 1795 Can’t Spare Yourself

On the road. Yvette complained to Nicole “I just realized that being a powerhouse in senior management isn’t fun at all! It’s not at all like the old days. Lance surprisingly trusts me with a lot of important projects at once. Do you know how important those projects are? If I lose any one of them and my mother finds out, she’ll probably come over and beat me to death!” Nicole could not help but laugh. “Now, you have real power in your hands. Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted?” Yvette pouted her lips. “I don’t even dare to say that this isn’t what I want now. I work overtime every day until past midnight. I feel so aggrieved! But once I go out and see the lights still on in Lance’s office, I don’t feel so bad anymore…” Nicole said, “I heard from Kai that you have some projects with him and that you did a good job! M 1. Sheldon is certainly assured enough for you to handle the important things.” Yvette sighed and looked toward the sky. “But it’s too tiring!” However, Yvette could only talk and complain about it.

it’s so simple, why doesn’t he give birth by himself?!” Nicole knew that Kai felt pressured about this. “He’s just talking nonsense. Don’t you know him by now?” Even if Kai wanted a baby, he only wanted to look at one. Julie said, “I know. That’s why I didn’t bother with him.” Nicole thought for a moment. “Where are you now? I’ll go find you?” “Don’t! You’re pregnant now, so you shouldn’t be roaming around. Not to mention, what if you’re caught on camera?” Julie did not dare to risk exposing Nicole. However, Nicole insisted on going to Julie. Nicole had not been to a crowded place for a long time. She was

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