Chapter 2566 Who Do You Want to Punish?

Therefore, Ivan's relationship with Selena was a combination of new and old grudges.

Ivan did not like Selena at all.

"Are you so shameless that you're interested in being a third party to another couple? I have never seen anyone who has no moral bottom line like you!"

Selena sneered and smiled strangely.

"Who’s the third party? I think your sister is the third party in this relationship. You can say such a thing, which shows that your upbringing isn't that great. I have nothing to say to you, Mr. Caldwell. Since you are confidently waiting to become Eric's brother-in-law, then go directly to him. I'm not interested in acting like a fake b*tch or a saint. That just disgusts me."

As Selena spoke, she glanced at Lara.

Lara froze slightly and subconsciously looked at Ivan.

Selena said lightly, "Also, do you really think that I’m just like you guys, rushing to become Mrs. Ferguson? Eric begged me to get back together with him. Even if he knelt in front of me and proposed, I wouldn't agree to marry him. Between me and him, he's always the one who's been clinging on to me!"

It felt great to just date without the goal of marriage.

Ivan was livid, and he looked at her angrily.

"You really have no sense of shame. If you are still with Eric when my sister marries him, I'll get someone to get rid of you

Ivan said some harsh words and was not afraid that Selena would disagree.

However, before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of handmade leather shoes against the deck and the crisp sound of a cane accidentally hitting the railing.

Eric said in a cold and gloomy voice, "Who do you want to get rid of?"

Although his voice was calm, everyone could hear the forbearance and anger in it.

Ivan was taken aback for a moment. He watched as Eric came up the stairs wearing sunglasses. Eric's face was cold and glum, and he looked so indifferent and unapproachable.

Ivan did not expect Eric to appear suddenly because Eric could not see and must be guided by others, so Eric probably would not come up to the second floor.

Ivan suddenly felt guilty.

Ivan, did not even dare to say a word as

smiled, walked over, and took Eric's

get rid

and glum. His shirt was blown up by the wind, and his figure was tall and straight. His

and said in

get rid of you? You’re my treasure. I can’t even bear

his words and could not help but chuckle. She stretched out her hand to pinch his thin waist. Unfortunately, there were no fats that she could pinch, so it was a waste

leaned forward and

"Stop talking nonsense."

"Come on, introduce me.

and threatening me to leave

and deliberately showed her intimacy with Eric

to piss them

was silent for a

else did

He also said that you're getting married soon. After you get married, I will be the

Eric's expression was

a joke, Mr. Ferguson. Please don't take it seriously. Mr. Caldwell has no bad intentions. He was just joking. Just now, Mr. Caldwell

not help but

buys every award he can get his hands on. He even calls himself an artist. Don't insult that word. How ridiculous! I'm afraid that you’ll spoil my


Eric also chuckled lightly.

more glum when

hoarse voice disrupted the

to marry someone else? Why haven't I heard


waiter heard the movement


call Chairman Caldwell, and

cold words made

waiter left in

even bother talking to


did not even know what to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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