Chapter 2569 I Don’t Want to Answer

Selena wanted to withdraw her hand, but she was also afraid of hurting Eric's feelings.

She patted Eric's hand. "I don't want to answer."

The elevator finally arrived, and the doors opened slowly.

The waiter outside had been waiting for a long time and politely led them inside.

"Mr. Ferguson, this way, please. Mr. Charles said he wants to meet you."

Eric was not surprised.

He drove away the Caldwell family that Charles liked, so Charles must be annoyed right now.

But, so what?

Eric pursed his lips and squeezed Selena's arm.

"You can go and sit inside first. I'll be back in a while. We can continue our conversation when we get home."

Perhaps he should not get to the bottom of it and find out what Selena was thinking.

However, if he did not figure it out, he would always feel that there was a thorn in his heart.

Selena smiled nonchalantly, but the smile did not reach her eyes.

She turned and went to the cabin.

There was no one in the huge banquet hall at the moment.

She did not know where everyone went.

However, there were two people sitting and standing at the round table.

The sitting person looked slightly bloated. He also seemed to be physically disabled, but his disability was concealed by his clothes.

He looked clean-cut and proper. Selena could vaguely tell that the man must have been very good-looking when he was young.


still see that some of the

standing was the white-bearded old man, Abbott, whom she had met

whispered something

his eyes

a businessman. He looked mysterious, and no one could tell what he was

Nelson, please sit

voice was deep and gruff. The tiredness on his

lips and walked over with a bit of

led him

smart. If I said that I wanted to see you, Eric wouldn't have agreed. That’s

direct question and gave

sat opposite him. She was neither

man opposite her. He gave her the impression of being cold, lonely, and

she admired

Nelson, you're a smart person. You know that Eric only loves Nicole, so how could you entrust yourself to someone like him? I have done a background check on you. Back then, you were willing to kill someone for your freedom. A person like you

smile froze slightly, and her

suddenly raised her eyes and looked

two of them were

then did Selena reply with her usual

Eric can't be explained clearly in a few words. I don't

that much whether he likes me or

So, why should I care what

threw the words back

glanced at her meaningfully, with an indescribable probing and deep

you don't like him

just because I didn't want to help you. I told you that my

smiled calmly and retorted

breathing was

He underestimated Selena.

was more open-minded and

wonder Abbott was helpless and

was simply a

be frank with me. Did you want to meet me this time to ask me to leave

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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