Chapter 252

At the emergency room of Savrow Hospital, Rosalind had already received a blood transfusion, but she was still in critical condition.

When she was brought in, her entire face was so pale that it was almost transparent. The cuts on her wrists were hideous and deep.

Patrick, Jean, Gregory, and Bethany were waiting in the corridor.

Jean was heartbroken and bawled while calling out her daughter’s name.

“That’s enough! How could you cry like this at your age? You’re embarrassing us!” Patrick admonished her with a gloomy face.

“Are you kidding me? Our daughter’s life is hanging by a thread, but as her father, you only think about how I’m embarrassing you. Do you even have a heart?!”

Jean grabbed and pulled her husband’s collar while crying hysterically. “My son is already in prison. Rose is the only child I have now! If anything happens to her, I won’t be able to live anymore!”

Patrick’s face was glum. His daughter attempted suicide because of a man, and his wife was making a fuss.

Patrick already had an inferior complex with Gregory. But this time, he felt even more embarrassed in front of his brother-in-law because he could not figure out how to deal with his wife and daughter. In a fit of rage, Patrick shoved Jean, who stumbled to the floor.

“Are you done making a scene?! This is a hospital. Do you think this is a farmer’s market? Look in the mirror! Do you still look like the wife of a chairman?!”

She was so stunned that she forgot to

Jean, Uncle Patrick, please stop arguing! What’s most important is that Rose can survive the critical period.” Bethany hurriedly stepped forward to help Jean. However, she was secretly smiling.

Gregory had

complete the act. Thus, she could not laugh, no matter how secretly

of your son. You must

had nowhere to vent his anger, so he


after Old Master Nigel’s birthday. Your son and that woman delayed finalizing their divorce, but we put up with it for Old Master Nigel’s sake. Now that his birthday has passed and they have finalized their divorce, how


was frustrated. His face was glum, and

Although we’re not as rich and influential as the Thompsons, we’re decent people who deserve respect. Justin is bullying Rose by treating her so

Salvador, our family will not let this slide! If Justin breaks up with my daughter, we will definitely leak it to the

Rosalind attempted suicide to force Justin’s hand

sweethearts. As long as that man still had a hint of nostalgia for Rosalind, he would not sit idly by and

in the end, Jean would strive to get the maximum benefit from the Salvadors. That way, she could also save her family from bankruptcy. No matter how she looked at it,

sighed repeatedly. He looked

if news spread about the CEO of

to commit suicide, Salvador Corporation’s reputation would go down the drain, and their stocks

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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