Chapter 316

Exiting the concert hall, Zoe, reminiscent of her childhood self, clung to Justin’s arm throughout, sharing her overseas adventures with him while expressing her yearning for Justin.

The only difference from her childhood habits was that she used to hold Justin’s hand with her left and her elder brother, Ryan, with her right. But now, her elder brother had been reduced to a mere bag carrier, completely forgotten. Her entire heart was dedicated to Justin.

Ryan trailed behind them, his lips downturned, wearing a discontented expression. With Bella absent and his sister paying him no mind, Savrow’s most renowned playboy was beginning to question his worth.

Upon reaching the parking lot, Justin abruptly halted. He took a deep breath and decisively withdrew his hand from Zoe’s grasp.

“Justin? What’s wrong?” Zoe blinked innocently. Her small hand froze in mid-air.


Justin turned to look at her with a stern face. His gaze was no longer as gentle as it used to be during her childhood. It carried a sense of distance, sending her a chill that made her uneasy.

“You’re a young lady now and no longer a little girl, so certain behavior with me is inappropriate.”

“Why is it inappropriate? You are like my second brother!” Zoe, feeling a bit anxious, insisted, “Is there something wrong with a younger sister holding her big brother’s hand?”

real brother, and I’m not, so I won’t condone such behavior.” Justin stopped his

that beautiful woman. Finally, with Rosalind striking out, Zoe hurriedly returned to Savrow when Justin was at his loneliest and in need of companionship. She planned to captivate his heart

nowhere and disrupt her plans to win over this man

words are too

carry her all the time, so holding hands now shouldn’t be a big deal. Besides, you’re not in a relationship now. If you get a wife, it’s right to maintain a distance from the opposite sex.

hands should be reserved for her

pictured Bella’s face when he said,

Christopher, Bella got into her


it was due to the cold air in the concert hall, Bella

catching a cold? When we get back, I’ll prepare some medicine and make ginger tea for you.” Steven hurriedly handed

The tip of her small nose turned red.

even at a concert!” Steven grumbled in annoyance. He took

eyes when she thought about how Zoe

indulged the little girl’s flirtatious antics.

Zoe, especially the level of intimacy between them. Bella sneered and shook her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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