Chapter 1094

“Chris, I heard that your Uncle Wyatt and the others have arrived. Go. out and greet them. We must show hospitality to our guests and not neglect our friends,” urged Lance, intentionally speaking loudly enough for both the Hoffmans and Salvadors to hear.

His words implied that, apart from the Thompsons, none of the other

guests were deserving of the Iversons’ courtesy.

He did not even consider that the other two families were worth his


Both Gregory and Logan’s expressions darkened, creating a tense and

awkward situation.

“Yes, Dad.”

Christopher turned to the door and adjusted his glasses. His fair and

delicate face took on a grim and somber expression.

He had also learned that Bella and Justin had entered the event

together, which put Zoe in an embarrassing situation.

Perhaps during the horse racing event, Bella and Justin would eve

opportunity to reconcile publicly.

that were to happen, things would

a thing to

important occasion!

came to a secluded corridor, Christopher stood with his back

Chapter 1094

and dialed his secretary’s,

end of the phone immediately answered, “Yes, Mr. Iverson?”

the media?” Christopher’s pale

with a cold, indifferent

the green light,

announce the news.”



suggesting tension between the

the Hoffmans, hinting at potential collaboration.

photography to support this narrative.”

a bit rushed?” Taylor

red carpet. If we don’t act now, it’ll

can’t just stand there and watch that jerk



The bitterness fueled his anger, and his

intensity. “That’s why I need to take the

the light of day. If

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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